Wednesday 25 April 2018

Saturday - Part 2

Just a few photos taken in Amish/Mennonite country. We just drove around and looked at the farms, and saw some horse vehicles. You can identify the farm houses, because they do not have electricity. We will be visiting another Amish community later in the week, so will talk more about it then.

We did stop at a store that sold beautiful wooden furniture, and general goods. Would love to bring some of the chairs back home!

This piece was a dual purpose item, a child's rocking horse this way, ......

.......and a high chair up this way!

It looks as though these chairs were very comfy, and the foot stools rocked back and forth with the chairs.

This is where the road stopped and we turned back, and got on the right road again. A ferry is taking vehicles across the river.
You have to pay to cross the river, and it is another state on the other side, but sorry I forget just where this was. (Mostly I make notes, but didn't this time).

Back in Paducah again, and we drove around the town, looking at the Quilt blocks on some of the houses, but again no photos. I have taken a photo of the brochure, so hope you can read about it on here.

You have to be quick on the bus, to get the shot before we have gone past it. But the dogwood trees are just coming out into flower, a bit later than normal. 

Also a few photos of the houses in this area. The prices are pretty low, I think, as our driver thought you could buy some of these houses for about $130,000US!!

I noticed quite a contrast in the houses, in what I shall call the "uptown" and the "downtown". And what struck me in most places, and even in the country, is that there are hardly any fences, and not a lot of gardens. Not even many fences between the houses. Lots of grass to mow though.

Next stop was evening meal at an Italian restaurant, where the meals were again HUGE, although very nice. On the way back to the hotel, a few of us needed to go to Walmart again. I purchased an extra case here, to bring back some of my "Stuff"!  And that is the end of my Saturday report.

Blessings, From Jude


Chookyblue...... said...

I do enjoy seeing the houses in other places......all a bit different...........

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Yes, we noticed the lack of fences too! We had the same highchair for our kids, except it was plastic :) xx

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Oh and forgot to say... I'm so happy you got to go to Amish country!!! xx