Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Catching up once again....

It seems to be either feast or famine here with my blog postings. It might be days, or over a week, or sometimes daily, but never fear, I come back eventually! I just don't know where the days are going, and tomorrow the calendar ticks over to a new month. And we know what that month means, don't we? (Shhhh, don't say it!)

Since I came home from Melbourne, which was in the middle of a week, I have lost track of what day it actually is. I have managed to finish the 2 custom quilts that I needed to get done, and also fitted in a sewing weekend for my cousin and her daughter. It turned out to be bigger than planned, as we were joined by Julie and Pat, who came to work on their projects as well. Sorry I did not have the camera out on Saturday, but did take a few on Sunday.

Helen and Kristy came here back in July, when Helen learned to make her first quilt. Since then she decided to buy herself a nice, new sewing machine and has had a few lessons on how to use it. They thought they would like another weekend in Bordertown, and as she has now finished the binding on her quilt, it was decided to do some applique cushion covers. She thought roses would be nice, and took some photographs of the roses blooming in her garden. My job was to teach her how to do this.

We thought it would be nice to piece the background for the applique, and a log cabin design in various creams and whites was planned. Strips were cut, and the sewing machine was unpacked. Last time it was used was learning about the walking foot, and when we took the walking foot off to attach the 1/4" foot, we found out that the shank? elbow? (whatchmacallit?) was missing. So Helen, who had been looking forward to learning to do applique on her new machine was very disappointed and had to use one of my other machines. 😢😢

This is the photo of a rosebud in the garden, which was the basis for her pattern.

This photo looks as though I am telling her something she needs to know ??

And here is Helen, very proudly displaying 2 blocks ready for stitching when she can finally use her machine. She did a great job drawing up the pattern and learning about the "overs and unders" and using vliesofix. I am tipping that these blocks don't make it into cushion covers, and will be the start of a quilt instead??

Back in July Kristy had made a quilt for her daughter, which I photographed back then. This time she came ready to learn how to quilt it, and had the 3 layers all basted and ready to go. But when she had it under her machine, she realised how big a job it would be, turning the quilt etc. It's probably a job you should learn on a smaller project. Because she had done such a good job basting, I was able to load it onto Max, who quilted the centre part for her. Then she finished it by quilting straight lines around the outer border, and was very happy to get it finished before she went home.

When they were packing up ready to go home, I suggested to Helen that she could use a pizza box to put her blocks in, so that they would not get creased. I had some, and cleared one out for her to use. And they departed, on the 3 hour trip for home. Later that evening they texted me that the thingamajig for her machine, was in the walking foot box at home!! That was great, as now she could get onto sewing her roses.
But, next morning I received another text message...... I can't find my pizza box, did I leave it there??
Whoopsie, after they left, I cleared the table and put things away.....including Helen's box with her blocks inside!!! Which means, she still can't sew her blocks. 😁

In between the quilting, and the telling someone what to do, I managed to finish my annual customer Christmas card and annual newsletter mailout, and it is not even December!!!! That is a miracle.

I was going to post some more quilt photos as there is still quite a few in the waiting to be blogged queue. But I have decided it is too late, and well past my bed time. Tomorrow is another day, so I will be back soon.

Blessings, From Jude

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Back to work.....

Just a quick post before I get back to the machine to work on the quilt that you can see in the photo. It is 56 blocks, of beautiful candlewicking, so I might be awhile. And then the quilt that you can see hanging behind is up next, and hopefully both of them will be ready to take when I head up the highway again next week. So you might not hear from me much in the next week. 😊

Over and out,

Blessings, From Jude

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

On the tram

The special surprise that DD3 and DSIL had planned for me turned out to be trip on The Melbourne Restaurant Tram. We had planned to do this on a previous trip, but the tram was booked out. It is a very popular tourist thing to do. So our trip was booked before I arrived. 
The first 2 photos were taken while we were waiting at the tram stop, and shows the high rise of Melbourne city. Not too sure how I would enjoy living so high up. Makes me very thankful for my space in the country.

The tram that we went on.

We enjoyed a 3 course dinner, while travelling around the streets of South Melbourne and St Kilda, and back again to the city.

Yesterday was spent sorting all the stuff, and cutting fabric for fat quarter packs, and we achieved a lot by the end of the day. The weather was rather warm, and overnight there was a storm, with lots of wind and rain. Today is about 20deg cooler, so is a relief.
I am on the train now, on my way home, after a lovely few days of time out.

Tomorrow it will be back to quilting with Max again, for a few days before my cousin comes back for another sewing weekend.

Blessings, From Jude

Monday, 21 November 2016

Anyone needing ribbons???

Some of my time in Melbourne has been taken up with helping DD3 sort through some of the shop stock that she bought almost 2 years ago from Val at Maney's of Mundulla. She has been selling fabrics and some things on her Ebay store, Kiki Fabrics which has a link on the sidebar of my blog.
Her work situation is changing for 2017, and some changes need to be made. So we are sorting boxes and boxes of "stuff". Today's task is the ribbon boxes, of which there are many.

If any readers might be interested in ribbons of any description, we would welcome your enquiry. There are lots of good quality ribbons in different colours, and varying widths. Some will be staying here, some are for sale, and some will be coming back to Bordertown when I can organise transport.

 And after sorting the above lot, we found out there were 2 more boxes in another place, so the sorting continues.

There is assorted dress fabrics, patchwork fabrics, braids, laces, ribbons, buttons, zips, threads, sewing machine parts and lots of other "stuff".

If you are interested in any of the above contact me.

Time to get back to the sorting. I will be back later to report on yesterdays special event.

Blessings, From Jude

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Quilting update

It must be time for another posting of quilt photos. I still have quite a few that I have not shown yet. 

First up is one made by Margaret, and it was so cute, with panels all relating to quilting. This was quilted allover with a pattern called Popcorn.

 I love this one with the lady hanging all her quilts on the line.

I am not too sure about all those pins in her mouth. Hope she doesn't cough, and swallow them.

This is a quilt made by Di, using different T Shirts, for a friend who is into music, so was quilted allover with a pattern called Jazz.

Another quilt made by Di, originally called Macca's Farm, but renamed with their own surname.

This quilt is a disappearing 9patch quilt, with sashing, that was made by Maria, and quilted allover with a Rose pattern.

Made by Prue for her grand daughter of school house blocks, with stars in the sashing cornerstones, and quilted allover with a Meander pattern.

The next 3 quilts are all made in the same class using the Quick Curve Ruler, and it was a challenge to quilt them all differently as I knew they would all be hanging in the same exhibition together.

This is the Metro Hoops quilt, in bright greens and pinks, made by Erica, and custom quilted with a geometric pattern in the large circle and curved lines in the rings.

Jenny's Metro Hoops quilt, made in Oriental fabrics, and quilted with a Cherry Blossom pattern in the big circles.

I will add this photo again,(as I know I posted this quilt earlier), just so you can compare the 3 together. This is Sherrels Metro Hoops which was custom quilted with feathers.

That's all for today, although there are still more quilts to post yet. But it's time to go and get ready for today's special event. This morning we have spent going through a lot of the fabrics, and braids, and laces etc of Kiki Fabrics and sorting it into piles. I will have more information about this in due course.

Blessings, From Jude

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Saturday's report

This was the sign that greeted us this morning as we arrived at the Exhibition Centre car park to attend Australian Quilt Market. A very "officious" attendant also told us we could not enter. And there are NOT car parks in abundance in the centre of Melbourne, so after a bit of driving further to find a park, and a LONG walk back to the exhibition centre, we found this sign had been removed and the attendant letting people into the car park!! (I think I have had enough exercise in one day to last me a month!!)

We had a lovely morning checking out what was offered by the traders, and here we are with our (mostly mine!!) purchases. There is more than this, which will be freighted straight to my house.
Met up with lots of quilters that I knew, including Susan,, whose blog I read.

This is a photo of what was in the bags, and hopefully you will see some turn up in future "Pick-a-Case" Mystery retreats. And I might say that it weighed quite heavy on the LONG walk back to the car, (although I did not have to carry much, as DD3 to the rescue!)

After we left AQM, I thought that we were headed for a coffee place, and then DD3 stopped outside this place. I had told her that I have been recently watching the series of The Block and asked her where it was. So we went to see it, although we could not get inside.

 The next stop was to a coffee shop, although you might be forgiven if you drove straight past this place, which was in fact a cafe! No sign at the door, and it looks just like an old building. The inside still looked like an old factory, but it was also a very busy, trendy eating place, which also had good coffee.

 After a brief time back home, we all headed out for an evening meal of fish and chips, and the best place around apparently is this cafe that was a 15 minute drive away. The place was packed, and people were waiting for tables, which is a good indication that the food was good. And it was, although I needed a container to take home what I could not eat.

Photo taken outside while we were waiting the more than half hour for a table to be available, and all the while being able to smell the fish and chips!!

That's all the newsfromjude for today, and I will be back with another update tomorrow. I am looking forward to the plans for tomorrow evening.

Blessings, From Jude

Time out

Just a quick update as I know one lady who will be looking for a blog posting everyday this weekend. Yesterday I caught the Overland train at Bordertown and travelled to Melbourne. It is a great way to go, no traffic to worry about, and plenty of room and a cafe to get coffee on board. Then my chauffer (DD3) picked me up at my journey's end. It was interesting to see the changing countryside along the way. In some areas the crops are almost ready to be harvested, and further south things are still very green and lots of water in the paddocks. (I must still have a bit of farmer blood in me!)

 The industrial part of Geelong.

And you know you are in Melbourne when you see this wheel. (I have been calling it the wheel for so long, but DD3 informs me that it is the Melbourne Star!)

Today we are going to AQM (Australian Quilt Market), which is a trade show for the industry, and then we have a couple more days until I head back home on the train Tuesday. I think there is a special treat organised for me Sunday, so will report about that later.
Enjoy your weekend,

Blessings, From Jude

Thursday, 17 November 2016


I don't know just what is happening with the weather this year, but it is so changeable. Winter has gone on, and on, with a little tease of spring sunshine here and there. Last weekend the temps were down to 18 and 16, and I was cold enough to light the fire again. Today, only 4 days later, the temp reached a max of 35 deg, with strong winds added in!!! This is someone who does not do heat well, and to get this high with no gradual lead up has wilted me. I know I sound like a wimp, but this weather is so demotivating. Probably in the summer when we have had some days of over 40, then 35 will seem like a cool change. Just bring it on gradually.
So the water is going on the garden tonight and in the morning, in the hope that it will not wilt too. As it has been so wet and cool, the roots of the plants will not be very deep, and will need time to adjust. The wind has done some damage to the tall plants, which are struggling to stay up.

The foxgloves have bent over in the wind.

You can see the cornflowers that have been flattened behind this flower.

As I step outside the laundry door, I am overwhelmed with the perfume of many plants.
The sweet peas are flowering at last, even though they were wind blown also.

The honeysuckle is flowering and smells so sweet!

And the carnations are starting to show their different colours.

Lots more colour to be seen, and don't be fooled, there are plenty of weeds in between. I need some serious gardening time very soon.

I received some seeds from a friend, that were not named, so it was like a lucky dip, waiting to see what they are! I think they are Love in the Mist, correct me if I am wrong. Thankyou Gay!

I have never been much of a geranium girl, but have decided, that they might rate some serious space in my garden, with their lovely flowers, in lots of different colours!

I planted 2 new roses in the front garden, earlier in the year, and have been rewarded with some flowers this week. It is a Gallipoli rose.

And a fuschia seems very happy to be in a shady spot under a tree in the front garden too.

This is the view right outside my workroom door, and has the birds busy at the nectar.

I still have not got to the pots of cacti, waiting patiently to be planted in the new garden. But I am rewarded with a flower by one who was not waiting to be planted out.

I hope you have enjoyed my little bit of colour, as I am  not sure just how long it will last, as the summer heat comes.

It has been a day of housework today, with some washing, cleaning, and dusting etc. Then it was Bible Study group, and then a Patchwork Committee meeting following that. I still some cleaning and sorting out of clothes to do in the morning, when I hope it will be much cooler. Then I am off for a few days away.

Blessings, From Jude