One of my first tasks for the weekend was mending. Not my favourite thing to do. But it was a fair exchange for someone who replaced the batteries in my smoke alarms for me. (I would have done it anyway, but don’t tell him that!) You can see how thin the fabric was inside the pocket in the first photo. So I cut it out, and made another pocket to replace that one. It was not the easiest place to get at, but as the seams are all on the inside it worked out ok. I only had to unpick a small section of the waistband,which I sewed after. All the pockets were very thin, but I only replaced one, cut the other 3 off, and stitched them closed! And for 2 pair of shorts.

I mentioned in the last post about my impromptu trip to the beach. On Saturday, I phoned a friend who has this week arrived home after 3 months overseas. Ages ago, we had talked about a trip to the beach one day, and during the conversation we decided that Saturday was going to be that day. It was half an hour later that we left for our drive. The weather was glorious, and sunny. It is an hour’s drive to the sea from here, so it was time for a late lunch when we arrived. Of course when you go to the beach, you need fish and chips, and a place by the sea to eat it. In the first photo you can see we had lots of visitors, waiting for us to throw them an offering.

And now you can see, they were getting rather friendly, and landing onto the table.

And now they are getting very friendly, and flying in close. I was not so worried about them taking my chips, as I was about them leaving their “calling card” on my head. They are very persistent, and they did get some of the leftover chips.

Now this fella was very patient, and not as fast as the seagulls, and he walked slowly over after the seagulls had left, and pecked the last crumbs.

From Kingston, we drove down to Cape Jaffa, and checked out the jetty, and the new housing allotments at the marina.

And then on to Robe, for a wander along the lawns overlooking the sea.
Then it was time for a coffee and some cake, before we drove home, arriving about 6 hours after we left. Sometimes the unplanned, last minute decisions are the best. We had a nice time, and talked non stop all the way, catching up on life’s happenings since we had last seen each other. This lovely lady has spent the last 3 months in India, doing some amazing work, living and working in far less comfortable conditions than most of us know in this country. It would be so far out of my comfort zone, and I admire her greatly for doing this. Thanks for a lovely afternoon Barb.

Today I attended our local patchwork group sewing day for a short time, where the Head to the Border group met up for another reveal. The last border element was drawn, and now we all have a few months to finish and quilt our tops, so that they can be shown at our Patchwork Exhibition in October. Due to the public holiday here today, I have not got many photos to show you. I have to confess that I had not finished my last border, as I am still trying to source some more fabric, and also have not had a lot of spare time.
Well, I think that’s about all the newsfromjude for the last few days. I had DD3 and her fiance here Thursday and Sunday evening and today they left to return to Melbourne. In between they caught up with family, and friends, and cousins, fitting in a lot over 2 days.
Time for bed,
Blessings, From Jude