Tuesday, 25 November 2014

This and that

I have travelled home on the train today. I woke early this morning knowing that the alarm was going off at 5am. It was quite a wild and windy night with thunder and rain. We left by 6am for the trip to the train station, which gave us plenty of time, but you never know how bad the traffic will be heading in to the city. After my scare on Friday, I was glad to have plenty of time.

We were rather curious as we got close to the station to see all the emergency vehicles parked along the street, and people walking around with capes around them. Apparently an apartment building at Docklands caught fire and hundreds of people were evacuated. A lot were asleep when it happened and had to leave in their pj’s without any belongings.

There were TV camera’s filming and people were queuing for bottles of water etc. By the time I boarded the train things were much quieter and the people had left this area.




This photo was taken on a polaroid camera. I have not seen these cameras for many years. I am feeling a bit short these days.


I had a request from one blog reader, to see my purchases from Quilt Market, so here it is all spread out when I got home and unpacked. Managed to get a lot more “stuff” in DD3’s suitcase, and mine was left behind.  This is the start of the next round of designs for the Paper Bag Mystery Retreat, to be held in June.


I am heading for an early night tonight, after a busy, but good few days, and tomorrow I will be back to load the next quilt and plan my schedule for the month leading up til Christmas. Lots still to happen.

Thanks for checking in, and reading my news.

Blessings, From Jude


Sue SA said...

What a lovely lot of loot!

Christina said...

Thank you for the show and tell Judy. A lovely selection of fabrics there. Now I can see why those bags were so heavy.