The Sanctuary is empty again, after a great weekend retreat for the Statler girls. It was a bit sad to see them all go, but all good times come to an end.
It was a time for learning by watching teaching DVD’s on the TV screen. Some girls showed photos of quilting they had done and a demo of QLB interested all. Some brought show and tell, and others brought quilts to ask for opinions on how to quilt them. There was much sharing and new friendships made.

It was a time to sew, taking the opportunity to sit at the machine without the distractions that happen at home, with either family duties, or customer quilting to be done.

For some bed happened later than others, they were on a mission to get things finished.

For some it was a bit of time out to read a book in between other activities.

Or time to sit and relax in the lounge, and read quilting books that are in the bookcase.

And time to read some magazines.

This was Di’s Kissing Fish blocks that she was working on. I am sorry I did not get photos of all the things everyone was working on.

And Niki’s Aussie quilt looked so cute with the kangaroos. Everyone brought more than one project, some that had been waiting for a long time to be finished.

It was a time for much laughter, as you can see, pity we can’t remember now just what the joke was!

And this is the customary group photo, which will go up on the wall in due course!

Naomi finished this top, and is planning the quilting of it now.

This is Naomi’s recent purchase, the Brother Scan’n’Cut, and we were given a demo, and I suspect someone else will purchase one after watching it do it’s “stuff”. Very impressive.

Elaine working on her split 4 patch, after she had already finished a few other projects.

Time for a cuppa and more chatting.

It was soon time to say goodbye to the “other side of Melbourne” contingent, who had arrived first on Thursday.

These girls travelled up to 7 hours to get here, and now the 7 to get home. That’s dedication.

And the “last supper” for the remaining few, who also left soon after lunch, to drive a 2 – 3 hour journey home. The retreats are a time to be waited on, and not have to think about what to cook for the next meal. I try to “spoil” them, and cater for the weekend.

The beds have nearly all been remade, the leftovers in the fridge cleaned out, 5 loads of washing gone through the machine, and I have walked home “across the road”.
Thanks to all those who came, and I look forward to next time. It was a great “long weekend”.
The next Statler Users Gathering is planned for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 18-20, 2014. Would love to hear from anyone interested in coming.
Back to the other job tomorrow, the quilts are waiting patiently to be loaded and quilted.
Be back soon,
Blessings, From Jude.