Thursday 16 January 2014

Some like it hot and some don’t

I really was talking about plants, when I put in the heading above, but guess it could also apply to people, and food, and lots of things.Winking smile
We have had almost a week of over 40, and it’s still going on. Today the wind has picked up as well. Lots of fires around the country and people heat affected.
Have been keeping up with the watering at The Sanctuary, with mixed results.
Jill’s Roses have curled up their petals, and look a bit sad, but the leaves are still green and it will revive.
This is my vegie patch, and is the first time for many, many years that I have planted any vegetables. So far, the tomatoes have survived ok, they were planted quite late, and only just have little tomatoes on them, so a long way to go yet. Looking forward to making some home made sauce, which I love!
And the bougainvillea (sp??) is looking like it’s loving this heat.
My poor old lily pilly tree was looking great, and made good growth in 2 years, until now!Sad smile
And the good old petunias seem quite happy as well.
I had a few question marks re the spelling of some of the words, and just had the bright idea of using the spell check! Why didn’t I think of that before, as now those horrid blue lines have all gone away!!
Will do a big watering job tonight at both houses, and then heading off again.                  Tomorrow is over 40 again, and then we are expecting a cool change at 30deg.          Might almost feel cold!
Have had a busy day, washing clothes, watering, and packing stuff. Also got delivery of my new laptop, and had a frustrating experience of trying to get the USB prepaid internet connection to work. Have spent ages on the phone talking to a foreign voice, and still not sure if it’s working yet. I”ve turned it off and hope that when I turn it back on it will work!!!??
It is 45 deg outside, (113F), and the light is quite eyrie (sp?), not sure if it is going to storm or not?  (Added note, there are bushfires out of town burning, and that's why the sky is like it is, and outside, the ash is drifting over the town, even though the fires are about half an hour away to the north)
Better go, more to do, the quilting has gone on the back burner today, but do know what I am going to quilt on the lone star, when I come back to it next week.
Have a good day,
Blessings, From Jude


Susan Smith said...

Yes it's hot here too, though not quite as bad (only 40) Yuk. The garden looks horrific. I'm about to do a post as it's my first "blogaversary". Take care.

Anonymous said...

About the prepaid thingo ... if it is too hot the battery won't charge ... as I have found out!