Friday 4 November 2022

October summary.....

 I had great intentions of doing this post a few days ago, before November actually arrived, but was not to be. 

As already stated, much of the month was spent on market preparation and there was little quilting. After Max was turned on again early this week, I noted that it was 24 days since the last quilt was done!! But I am back on the job again now, with a large custom.

The weather turned back to winter, and we have had a lot more rain and cold. Perfect weather to be inside stitching by the heater.

As soon as the Kaniva show was over it was time to get out the facts and figures and prepare the financials for the accountant to do my 2021/2022 tax return. This meant a trip down to Naracoorte, which is about 50 minutes away. I have a 4 drawer filing cabinet which is full of papers, and I have realised that I hardly touch it. All the information I had to access is stored 'under the desk'. So as soon as my appointment was over I went home and started going through all of those folders in the cabinet. This could take me a loooong time, but I have made some progress. It is also a trip down memory lane doing this as there is a lot of history in those drawers.

Even the shredder got a 'workout', well once I unblocked it!! It is a messy job and there were bits of paper all over the floor.

One Sunday in October we helped this couple celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. This is quite a milestone these days, congratulations and well done, Pat and Alan.

Much time has been spent updating pages of this blog, and is a work in progress. Also more preparation for the next market day for Cornerstone Creations which is only 2 week away now. Perhaps life will ease a bit after that?

In the background of all this is other life events of friends..... 2 of whom have lost brothers, another's husband is in palliative care and other friends were involved in a vehicle accident. 

There was also a quick trip up the highway to deliver quilts for the Adelaide quilt show, which were to be dropped off at Sit and Sew day. It was lovely to catch up with a few familiar faces....... 

Love Faye's houses quilt!!

We also visited the fabric warehouse and may have been tempted with a few goodies.

That takes care of the newsfromjude for October. This week has seen much progress on the custom quilt, and today is get the patchwork monthly newsletter done. I have also been on kitchen duty this morning, having a bake up of goodies to take to family tomorrow. It will be a day out for Mum and I, visiting family. 
The forecast is for a mostly sunny day, so that sounds lovely for a drive in the country!!

Be back sometime with a few customer quilts that are still in the files and other news.

Blessings, From Jude


Maria said...

As always Jude you've been kept busy with family,friends and getting some quilting done.
And tackling the filing cabinet too.
The first quilt looks lovely and I love the quilt with houses .

Janice said...

A busy time on all fronts. as well as productive. Isn't going through old paperwork a thankless task. I've been doing the same. Enjoy your time with your family.

Karen's Korner said...

Always a hive of activity at your place. Paperwork...........A necessary evil unfortunately.

Raylene Edwards said...

Fortunately you have the wisdom to take photos of your activities as you go, otherwise how could you possibly remember all that you do each month. Often I can’t remember what I did yesterday, although YOU are much younger than me 🤔

Susan Smith said...

My my, forever busy. This weather has certainly been weird & slowing up our travel plans, plus the fact I had a fall, cracking 3 ribs & bruising the rest, as well as taking a chunk out of my hand. Nearly better now & hope to get something on my machine soon. Look forward to hearing about the Adelaide show & what you get up to this month. Take care & hugs.

Chookyblue...... said...

congrats to pat......hope your friend in the accident is going ok.......
Maybe now Max is back in action the Churn Dash might hop on????