Wednesday 26 June 2019

Family time

It was back to work on Monday, after 3 days off. It was lovely to spend time with my Melbourne family. Miss Billie is growing up so fast, and it's great to watch her personality developing. She has lots of words in her vocabulary and is a real chatterbox.

We put out lots of toys for Miss Billie to play with, but it seems that the contents of the kitchen cupboards is much more interesting.

A lot of the weekend was spent inside by the heater as winter had brought daytime temperatures not much over 12 deg, and heavy frosts each night with readings of -3 deg. We did venture out for a couple of drives including one down memory lane to a farm that we owned 40 years ago. (This was before DD3 was even thought of.)

While on the subject of my Melbourne family, I better show this photo, from a few months ago. This picture arrived and if you can read the fine print, it says, Only Child, until October 2019! A very special announcement that Miss Billie will have a brother, or sister, and that my 10th grandchild is on the way!! This year sure is turning out to be very busy indeed.

Time to get back to Max, and to finish loading a custom quilt, after doing a few allovers this week. I am also sorting my fabric shelves, and planning some more Mystery case quilts that I need to get done for the Mystery retreat planned for November. And as it's the end of the financial year this week, there is another job waiting in the wings. In July there are quite a few trips planned for "up the highway", and before I know it, it will be August! Our local exhibition is planned for October, and in between there sometime a baby will arrive. Meanwhile, one day at a time sounds like a good idea.

Blessings, From Jude

1 comment:

Susan Smith said...

Sounds like a good time was had by all. Another one! Chilly here too & we've had quit a few minus's this week including today at probably -3 again. That makes three in a row at that temperature. It was a lovely day in Ballarat yesterday......sunny, but spent inside tinkering with a poorly Gammill. OK now. Take care & stay warm.