Saturday 8 June 2019

A woman of faith..........

Yesterday was the day we said our farewell to a special lady from our town. The church was packed with members of her family, and many friends. It was a service of thanksgiving for a woman of faith, who lived for her Lord. She was born 6 weeks premature, 86 years ago, and despite living with a heart problem and asthma, defied the odds to live a long life.

Many years ago when our family first moved to this district, I remember our first visit to our local church and a lady who came up and welcomed us. This was Betty, and she has faithfully kept in touch, and remembered birthdays and anniversaries ever since. Life has not always been easy, but she has always come out smiling. All the photos shown at the funeral displayed that lovely smile. She was an example of a wonderful Christian lady and will be missed.

Betty and husband Barry have been in nursing home care for the last 6 months, and I took this photo just prior to Easter, and despite her failing eyesight and hearing, she still had that smile. But we know that she is now with her Lord, can now see and hear fully, and we rejoice.

Blessings, From Jude

(will be back soon with a report of our Pick a Case mystery retreat, where there are 8 ladies busily sewing, and making some lovely quilts)

1 comment:

Sue said...

What a fantastic photo Judy�