Thursday, 14 June 2018

Bits and pieces of this and that..........

Thought I would do a bit of a catch up post tonight, as I know that the next few days will be busy.
It hardly seems long since the Statler girls left, and as that was Tuesday morning, I suppose it is really only 2 days ago!  It has been all systems go changing the beds, washing, and cleaning, with the help of my fairy. (Seems like I have a lot of fairies to help, doesn't it? I am so blessed!) Shopping and cooking have also taken up time. And the next arrivals are due tomorrow afternoon, for another weekend of fun and quilting. More about that later.

There has not been a lot of quilting happening here, although I have taken my quilt off the machine. It was a real learning curve doing a custom on it. Photos later.

It was Angels sewing day today, and they were busy working on some quilts for 3 young children, whose mother is facing some treatment in the city, 3 hours away. They were very productive, and now there is a job for the quilter, who hopes to load it onto Max on the weekend.

I received a parcel in the mail yesterday, and my latest blog book arrived. There was a special deal earlier this month, with a good discount, so I took advantage of it and ordered it for January to end of May. I usually do the 6 months, but wanted to take advantage of the discount, and knew that this book would be larger, due to the American journey being in it. This book is 320 pages long, and the trip took up 120 pages of that!! It's good to have a record of my journey to look back on. I usually choose the front photo, but was in a hurry and let them choose and it was the first photo in January, which turned out to be Miss Bridie.

Last night DD2 and GD1 came to stay for the night, on their way to Melbourne for shopping and to visit DD3 and family. It was a brief stop as they left this morning at 6am. Sorry, no photos.

I have spent a fair amount of time recently working on the Mystery cases, as this weekend I have a group of ladies coming to do them. And there will be another mystery retreat 2 weeks after that as well. This is my progress so far, and there are quite a few more that are in the half way stage. My checking lady came today, and worked her magic. I like to have plenty for them to choose from, and need to stay ahead as there are 2 more weekends later this year also. Wonder if I might run out of fabric!!??

I have been aware that the vacuum cleaner has been struggling a bit lately, but kept using it, until this week. I decided that I should probably look at the brushes which I suspect needed cleaning out a bit.
This is what I found!!!!!! Do you think this might be the house where a lot of thread gets used? And maybe dropped on the floor?

Much better now!

And this is what I cut out!

I do have a few quilt photos from last month to show, but will keep them for a separate post, and schedule it for the weekend.

Tomorrow morning, I am off up the highway again, to attend the funeral of a family friend. As sad as it is, it is also a blessing, that she has gone to be with her Lord, after many years of illness, at 87 years of age.

And when I arrive home, I expect another houseful of ladies will be here. The weather has turned very windy, and wintry, so a weekend inside with the fire burning will be lovely.

Enjoy your weekend,

Blessings, From Jude


Susan Smith said...

Wow,that was a lot of thread. You are certainly one busy lady at the moment . It's been cold here too, with worse to come for the weekend. Might ring you next week with a question, as you are so busy at this moment. Take care.

Jean McGee said...

Just caught up on your last few blogs, I am thinking about your beautiful fire and can't wait until the Christmas in July so we can enjoy the warmth and comfort it gives us all.
Maybe I should look at the underneath of my vacuum cleaner head!
Love, Jean 😀😀

Cindy Brick said...

It is so strange to hear you mention a windy weekend that needs a fire inside... we've had 90s temps for days now. And humid, for Colorado. WE keep all the windows closed during the day, and open them wide at night for things to cool down.

When you get a chance, ask your friend (in the photo above) whether she liked the Colorado Springs guild meeting or not. I haven't heard from her about it.

Raylene Edwards said...

It’s heart-warming to know we have Angels who sew for others to show they care. Good job with that stack of mystery cases. I’m sure this will be another wonderful winter weekend Mystery Retreat 🔥🍷

Hellie said...

Hi cindy. (Replying for pat)I am on right in photo. Pat experiencing communication problems. No home phone working and minimal mobile signal.
Yes she loved your meeting and came back and spoke to us about your swaps but wanted to know where anything left went.. Enjoyed your guest speaker and was sorry she was not there for your actual meeting. ( the day she flew out.)