First is a photo of the cactus flower at Mum and Dad’s place. The flowers only last for a few hours, so I was lucky to see it. There looks to be a few more buds that might flower too. I had a day of shopping yesterday and called in to see them on my way home. I went shopping to choose new floor and wall tiles for the bathroom renovation, to purchase more garden stuff, pick up new work room chairs that I had ordered, and buy couple of things for my wedding outfit.

These 2 birds were early morning visitors to the back lawn this morning. I had to cross out the early, because I was not up early this morning, due to being home very late last night. I might have to put out a feeder in the back yard, to encourage these to visit more. Once I started work outside they did not stay longer.

This next 2 photos are of the garden at the side of my house, before the fence went up. The poor roses had a struggle with the wind, (and probably a lack of attention and water as well). This side was exposed to the north winds.

Now they are all cosy inside of the fence, which now has the gates on. Did I say I love my fence?
I might plant more agapanthus to go down the side of the fence, as I have some that need to be relocated from their present position.

This photo shows the whole side of my block, and you can see that this fence matches the one at the back corner of my block. That fence was erected by my husband back in the year 2000, and the new one in the year 2015. You would not know that there is 15 year difference would you?

And you can see that the roses are loving it now, and blooming. Still some planting to happen in this garden bed yet.

This is the photo I took of my new garden bed by the fence back in October.

And this is today, after I put up the bark rollout edging that was attached to the low fence above. I hope I have attached it securely enough to withstand strong southerly winds. I might get some more and attach it to the neighbouring fence too. Another job is a brick edge to the lawn on the right.hand side. That might be a while yet though.

This is the view I used to have looking out of my workroom door, and you can see that I could see right down the street………

and this is what anyone driving up the street could see, and my work room is in that green door.

The posts going in for the fence, last month.

The mess in my pergolas with all the pots waiting for the fence to go up.

And this is the view I now have from my workroom door!!
I am getting a screen door put on the green door, so that I can open my door, and look out at this view, while I am standing at Max quilting. I never used to want to open the door, or the curtains of the window before. Now I might feel like I am outside, and enjoy the lovely weather, while I am inside working. And I can see a lot of lunch times in the pergola too. Did I say I love my new fence?? I laid some pavers along the existing shadecloth of the pergola, and you can walk down into the new garden, and there is another gate at the end, which goes to the carport. In another year or so, I hope to have a roller door put on the carport.

All the plants seem very happy in their new garden, and I still have space for a few more yet.

This photo taken from the gate and looking back towards the house. You can see the purple patches, which is the flower petals from the bougainvillea which blew off in the strong winds that we had on Wednesday.

This is a photo of the tidied up pergola, which was taken from my green door.

These 2 photos are taken of the view from my lounge room door. And I still do not know how to stop the black birds from coming in and leaving their calling cards! They are so cheeky.

I am very pleased with the transformation of this space in the last 2 months. There is still a lot of work to happen in the rest of my yard, with new garden edges to be put on the front beds, and a total redo on the laundry side of the house. That will have to be a work in progress over the next few months, as I need to get back to some inside sorting and find a home for the boxes of The Sanctuary stuff. And we have a very special event next Saturday to prepare for too.
This week I also attended a special dinner to celebrate with good friends who have been in business 25 years. It was a brave move by Barry and Marg to venture into a new path after being farmers. They still have their farm, which is run by their son. It was a privilege to attend their celebration and congratulate them on a very successful 25 years.
Wednesday of this week was a very windy, hot day, and a fire in the mid north of our state got out of control and has burnt a great area of farmland, destroyed houses, crops, sheds. Many people have been injured, and there have been 2 deaths. This fire burnt very close to the town where some of my family live, and they had ash falling onto their roofs. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this fire.
Well, I think that is about all the newsfromjude for now. Be back soon.
Blessings, From Jude