Monday 31 January 2022

Where did January go?

 It hardly seems any time at all since we were heading to November and the border opening, then it was Christmas and New Year, and now I see that the calendar turns over to February tomorrow!! I have posted some newsfromjude in January so there is not a lot to update you with. This is mostly a summary.


I ordered my July - December 2021 blog book in January and once again it arrived here about 2 weeks after I submitted my order!! Very good service to be printed and get here from the US in that timeframe.


I have had a little time at the sewing machine. There was a plastic bag of squares in the drawer that were not quite the right size, so I have started joining them into a 16 patch block. I think that with a small frame around them they should come up to the same size as a 16 patch block made from the 2 1/2" squares and there are plenty of those!! Some of them may find their way into scrap packs again soon. Since this attempt there has been no more machine sewing happening. I have done another binding though!


We have watched some of the Australian Open tennis matches, and were pleased to see Ash Barty win the title and Nadal's match was certainly amazing coming back from where he was.


There have been a few bloggers zoom catchups, which are always fun.
Scanning documents and writing some more of my book occupied some time, but it has been put on hold while I have had a visitor here.


There has been very little customer quilting happening, although I did manage to get this Caswell quilt done for Cheryl.  I thought that it was a Ta Daa moment, and had finished and laid it out for a photo and this is what I found!!!! So back onto the machine it went!

Since then I have taken time to do other things and only today have loaded another quilt. I hope to get a few done this week.


There have been a few morning cuppas in the pergola before the day turned too hot. Last week's weather was rather hot most days, but it was the humidity that was hard to handle. Sitting in the pergola amongst those plants one of the girls thought they may have been in Queensland!! While most of our state, especially further north have had big rains and floods, only 12 ml managed to get in the rain gauge this far south. I was very thankful to get some on my garden and the lawns grew overnight!


The donation quilts are all bound and ready to go 'somewhere', although that is still to be organised yet as I am not heading to the city any time soon.


My fairy has been in residence for a week and a lot has been achieved in an effort to deal with my SABLE!! (In case you missed my other post...... Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy!!)
Fabric on the shelves has been sorted and put into bundles for future kits. Some has been put on another shelf for future donation scrappy quilts. Some has been packed into bundles and a lot has been cut up and packed into Ready, Set & Sew kits. I am very thankful and blessed to have a fantastic pattern checker, counter and packer to help with this task.

One weeks work.............

Most of these drawers have fabrics in them that are destined for kits, so there might be a lot of work ahead as I progressively scan them and add to EQ for designs!!

This pile might tell you that we have 'moved' a lot of fabric. (Sometimes there was not a lot left on the card, so it was added to the shelf).


There was time in amongst the busyness for the fairy (who is also a whip cracker) to sit outside with a cuppa, read the paper, smell the roses and watch the world go by!


Yesterday was the final service for our Pastor, who has finished her term, is retiring and leaving our town. Following the service church members enjoyed lunch together. Ruth will be missed by many.
 Her sermon was titled "Endings Mark New Beginnings". .....When something comes to an end it's also time for something new to start.....This message spoke very personally to me as I have struggled with the changes happening in my life. I have posted on this subject before, and stated that I don't "do" change very well.  As I head into partial retirement, and a future that is unknown and not clear, I need to focus on God, have faith, pray and trust that He will continue to lead me and walk with me wherever that may be.


Blessings, From Jude


Denice Barker said...

You HAVE been busy!!

kiwikid said...

You, the fairy and helpers have been busy sorting, cutting and stacking. The Caswell quilt is beautiful and your quilting is stunning Jude. Good to see all the donation quilts finished.

loulee said...

The fairy has certainly kept you busy.
The quilting on the Caswell quilt is amazing, I hope one day to be half as good as that.
Good to see so many quilts all bound and ready for donation.
Move forward one day at a time, I'm sure your semi retirement and eventual retirement will not be boring, not with so many wonderful fabrics still on your shelves and some lovely fairy friends to keep you busy.

ButterZ said...

Wow. That’s a lot of cutting,sorting & packing. Great catch-up. I will have to get my book done too.

Raylene Edwards said...

No.8 is a special place to stay in our bubble, you coordinating fabrics then matching them to a design then cutting them for the kits. I love the stacking & packing. A few visitors for coffee kept us aware of the outside world. Cheryl’s quilt is stunning 🤩

Karen's Korner said...

What a lovely stack of donation quilts. Your quilting is just stunning. Such a lovely spot to sit and have a coffee with friends.

Susan said...

The Caswell quilt is just stunning - so much wotrk! and beautifully quilted... lucky you spotted the missing bit!

So much sorting & organising...I'm sure much easier with a whip-cracker - oops companion!

Chookyblue...... said...

I think you have got more done then your credit yourself...... Lovely to have the fairy back cracking the whip...... Feb is disappearing fast also