Last week I spent time in the Barossa looking after Miss Bridie and Tate. I am very thankful that the little man was much happier than the last time I looked after him, back in February. Miss Bridie went to kindy for 2 of the 5 days, so it was just Tate and Grandma for those.
Miss Bridie loves cup cakes, so we made up a couple of batches with icing and of course, the sprinkles!.
She loves to colour in and draw, and spends a lot of time doing craft activities.
Bluey is the show of the year, and Tate loves Bluey. I am now educated in this show, although do admit that I had some trouble pressing the correct buttons to find the show. Almost need a uni degree to operate smart TV's! I am sticking with my very small, simple tele, that is certainly not smart! I must admit that compared to a lot of children's TV, this show does has some good messages.
We had story time...........
.............and some lovely sisterly, brotherly interaction time!
The sun finally came out on the last day, so we ventured outside for some play.
While in town I visited with DD2 and family, who I had not seen since February! I did not take these photos, but "borrowed" them from facebook. GD1 is missing from these pics, but I did catch up with her too.
These photos were taken in Bordertown on Saturday when DD2 and family were in town for SIL's mothers 80th birthday party, prior to visiting me on their way home. So after a long few months, I have now seen them twice in the week! (There has not been much highway travel this year!)
On my way home on Friday afternoon, I detoured through the city to visit with DD1 and family. Again, I did not take this photo, but borrowed it from facebook. This was taken on their recent holiday, although the little man is missing from the picture.
It was an eventful week catching up with most of the family at once. The sad part has not been seeing the Melbourne ones, but thankfully we get lots of photos and video chats. Here is Miss Billie with her mask which they must wear when out of the house...........
....and DD3 with a matching mask.
And here is Mr Jett, who is now 11 months old already. He always has a cheeky smile. Sadly we won't be able to help him celebrate his first birthday, but look forward to lots of photos and a video linkup.
While we are on the subject of family I will include news of my mum. I mentioned a few posts ago that she was looking at moving into a retirement village. It seems that Mum had a phone call soon after that post from my cousin in Queensland, telling mum that she had heard of her move. Mum was very surprised to hear that Debbie knew about it, but it became clear when we realised that she reads my blog. So hello Debbie and other Queensland rellies!! Mum was very blessed that her house sold in 2 days and settlement is happening this week.
And on Saturday she moves into this unit at a retirement village in Murray Bridge. Mum's younger sister is also selling her house and moving into another unit in the same village. We are really happy for Mum and it's special that at 88 1/2 years old it will be the first house that she will have that Dad's mother and father had not lived in first! So here's to another trip up the highway this weekend for moving day.

Think that will suffice for this post. I will have another post very soon of recent customer quilting, and another about plans for some different fundraising for the BCNA this year.
Raylene also wishes to thank you all for your good wishes to her after her recent fall. She said her fairy wings must have neglected to flap just when she needed them!!
Catch ya soon,
Blessings, From Jude