Tuesday 24 March 2020

Uncertain Times.......

I have been mulling over this post for a few days now. I find it is much harder to get the words right for the "deep and meaningful" posts, than it is to say I did this, or I went there, or post another quilt photo of the recent family gathering, so hope this comes out ok.

 Trying to get my thoughts into some sort of order has not been easy as the situation changes every day. Who could have foreseen what is happening now. For a start, it seemed to be distant and happening in countries far removed from us. But now, it is on our doorstep, and today the border between us and Victoria was closed to visitors, in a bid to reduce the increasing numbers of people with the Covid-19 virus.

While I am not making light of the very scary situation in our midst, the reality of the figures is still a long way from the death toll of the Spanish Flu (1918 - 1920) which came to 500 million worldwide. (Figures from Mr Google).

We need to take adequate precautions such as washing hands, social distancing and following the guidelines of experts, while trying to remain calm and without fear. Psalm 46 sums it all up beautifully with the following words, that God is our refuge and strength and help in trouble. We can remain in peace if we remember that.

When looking back through history we can see that previous generations have endured wars, depressions, plagues and other crisis, and came out the other end, although perhaps with scars. As I said before, I am not trying to minimise what is happening now. But I do think that perhaps we could learn much from this. I know there will be a lot of hurting people, without jobs or livelihoods, and the economic fallout will be huge. (The huge fall in the markets, and superannuation funds could not have come at a worst time for me, who is about to reach the "magic" retirement age)!

On the positive side, many people are able to use computers and internet, and work from home. We are able to keep in touch (whilst socially isolated) with family by video calls, which means we can "see" them, and notice how much the little ones are growing, and help them to remember who Grandma is. There is online shopping so we can still order things, and online classes to continue studying for lots of students. There is even a US company organising an online quilt show, with judged quilts, vendor malls and online classes. People are organising to keep in touch with elderly people and those in isolation to pick up chemist items, or food for them. Many business' are no longer meeting customers face to face, but using internet or phone to keep themselves functioning and safe. Churches that can no longer meet are using the internet to broadcast services online.

We (some) had become a somewhat wealthy, privileged society, who were too busy and involved in so much, going here and there, and leading pressure filled lives. (I have my hand up on this, and plead guilty). Perhaps an enforced slow down, and staying home, might lead to simpler times?? With a shortage of some food, and more time, perhaps some might learn to cook? Perhaps there will be less wastage of food, and more mending and making do? We might learn to value our own company if we live on our own, and families might actually spend time with each other? We had become a throwaway society. As a society we think that we have it all "under control", but the reality is that things can change in an instant, and we are helpless. I am hopeful that many will turn to the one who is in control to find their peace. 

While "chatting" to a retired friend online this week, she said that she was enjoying a more relaxed life at home, and catching up on lots of things, and even thought she might reassess the things she would be involved in after this was all over! Perhaps we might learn to look out for those who are struggling and make sure they are ok. And there will be many people in need after this is "over".

I know that there are many quilters out there, who are relishing this isolation and many are busy finishing old projects, or making new quilts. Our state guild have commenced a mystery quilt online, and in the past week over 300 people have joined up, and the numbers are still increasing. (And I am one of them, but have yet to choose my fabrics!)

Well, I think i have rambled on enough, and you get my message. May we all band together through this situation.

May you all know God's blessings, and Peace
From Jude


hilda c. said...

thankyou for the thoughtful post Jude.Keep safe,no need to tell you to keep busy!love Hilda

Jean McGee said...

Take care and stay healthy Judy. Thanks for the post ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Raylene Edwards said...

Thanks for a very thought provoking message. You’ve made many valid points that has given a balanced insight of this whole situation. Take Care ๐Ÿ’•

Dione Gardner-Stephen said...

Wishing a good time of catching up on all those things that have always been on the backburner while we are all in isolation. I am sure you can get lots of mystery quilts organised and maybe even some personal sewing done! Stay safe and well.

Sue SA said...

I agree Judy, I think that with the privilege of IT to help us shop on line, stay in touch with family and friends and entertain us, we are going to be a lot better off then past generations. Everyone just needs to do the right thing and stay home. It is hard to adjust, but you don't become resilient by not facing and living through adversity. Be kind to yourself and others. Happy quilting!