Monday 10 September 2018

Quilt photos again

First up today is this quilt made by Kerry, from a pattern in a magazine and certainly a great use of scraps squares. Applique added a nice touch to the scrappy blocks. Kerry wanted simple custom quilting, and I was to quilt motifs amongst the flowers that you might find in a garden.

You might notice a butterfly, a bird, a bee, and a chicken in the garden.

This corner has a frog and a caterpillar and a butterfly.

Jenny made this quilt and it was quilted with a pattern called Modern Maze, which gives it amazing texture.

Helen made this quilt, using a panel in the centre of the Princes and the Pea and was quilted allover.

Pat made this Sudoko quilt, and it was quilted with a Flower edge to edge pattern.

Another quilt made by Pat, and was quilted allover with Starburst.

This quilt was also made by Pat, who requested a Baptist Fan pattern.

This Dinosaur quilt was made by Sheryl, and was quilted with a Paws Meander.

That's it for today, as I sit beside the TV with the laptop on my lap, by the fire, after a day spent with Max. Lots to do this week, in readiness for the weekend ahead. Be back when I can.

Blessings, From Jude

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