Time for a posting to report on last weekend, which was another fantastic weekend at The Sanctuary. Before I could take the time to do this, I needed to finish the custom quilt that was started last week, and I am pleased to report that I reached the end last night. All the washing has been done, dried and folded, ready to go back “across the road”.
Santa left some goodies in the stockings for all the ladies, who had obviously been good this year! After my posting last week, about the stockings being made, I did receive a text message from one lady, telling me that she had been extra good this year!

The house had been decorated a couple of weeks ago, when my grand daughters stayed here, but some more decorations arrived, and you can see the red balls hanging above, which added to the Christmas atmosphere! When the Adelaide contingent arrived, they unpacked their luggage, and left again to check out the local shops, and “spread the tourist dollar”, was how Raelene put it. I was a bit puzzled about the photo below and just what was it?? A bag of green bottles, and some sticks with red paper on the end!

All was revealed when they returned, and you can see the gorgeous red flowers for more Christmas decorations.

We thought that the flowers would look fantastic, made in pink paper for decorations for the Pink Retreat which is planned for September 20-22. So another trip to the local shop, and a purchase of pink tissue paper, and then a lesson on how to make them.

It was not a weekend of great productivity, instead a lot of sitting around and lots of chatting, and many good laughs. Some great stories were told, which can’t really be told on the blog. A couple of ladies did achieve some sewing, and a few bindings were completed. It was very relaxing, and good therapy. Lots of sharing of life situations. Sometimes you think you are the only one dealing with things in your life, but there is always someone who understands, who is going through the same situation, or has been there before.

This was the creative, messy corner, no sewing, just glue! And you can see the creations below.

I was very fortunate that this year we had “city chefs”. Thankyou to Gay for cooking us this delicious Christmas Ham. And thankyou to Pauline for the loan of her weber barbecue to cook the ham in. I only had to do the vegetables to go with this. And thankyou to Raelene, who cooked the Christmas pudding, and my apologies for not taking a photograph before we ate it. It was a treat! And while I am saying thankyous, also to Pat for cooking us bacon and eggs for a scrumptious Sunday morning breakfast. And also to my granddaughters, who made us the gingerbread men, and the Rudolph biscuits.

Above, a few drinks before that delicious meal, and below, the obligatory group photo. I should take a least 6, as there is always someone not smiling, and this was the best that I could choose.

This was a funny demonstration from one lady, who shall remain nameless. But I shall say, that many times a day I remember this!

Some ladies achieved some show and tell, but sorry I forgot to take photos.

The girls who came from a distance, stayed an extra night and left Monday morning. We went out for Sunday evening meal, and then sat around the fire and chatted, and laughed some more before going to bed. All in all, it was a fun, very relaxed weekend meeting up with old friends, and making new friends. And some who did not know each other before, found out that they lived only streets away from each other!!
Thankyou for coming girls, and making it another good weekend. And also thankyou for packing away all the Christmas decorations before you left. Many hands make light work, I think is how the saying goes.
I did manage to get the binding done on the Pink Retreat raffle quilt, and will show photos of this soon.
Time to get to the shower, it’s much later than I thought. I have taken awhile to do this posting, but thought I better, before I get more reminders.
Blessings, From Jude