Sunday 6 August 2023

One more day.............

 Thanks to those who have left a comment telling me when and how you came to read newsfromjude. I have a lovely list of names so far, and tomorrow is the last day to leave me a comment.

The week has disappeared fast, with lots of market prep and a few social occasions. We enjoyed coffee out with Jocelyn, who we haven't seen for awhile and had a good catchup.

We travelled to nearby Keith one day and enjoyed a cuppa while my car was serviced, which was followed by an overdue dentist appointment, which was not quite so enjoyable.

Friday we were preparing for the evening's dinner, and balloons were blown up and decorations hung.

We had to bring in another table and search the shed for more chairs to make up to 13!

I do have some more photos, but they are a bit blurry. (Note to self - don't laugh when you are taking photos.)
Suffice to say that Raylene (and I) had organised a few fun 'gifts' for the birthday person. We had the best evening with much laughter and chatter and loads of Vitamin F. 

It is bitterly cold outside today. We went to church this morning and now Raylene and I are tucked up inside with the heater going and preparing a few more bundles of fabric for market. I have a few price labels to print after that. My fairy will be heading home on the train tomorrow, and I am sure she will be due for a "feet up in the chair rest" when she gets home. And I will be reacquainting myself with Max and working on that queue.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Blessings, From Jude


Maria said...

Looks like you had a fabulous birthday with friends and fun games.
Both The Fairy and you get a lot done when she's visiting.
Hope you get a few done on Max from the pile..

Oh! I can't remember how long I've followed your Blog Jude but it would have been through Chooky ....

Susan Smith said...

Glad you had a good day & didn't realise your birthday was in August. Don't tire out poor Max. Take care & hugs.

Karen's Korner said...

The car serviced and the dentist in one hit....that must have left a hole in your bank balance. Enjoy the celebrations.

Raewyn said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and a busy, sociable week!

Chookyblue...... said...

Once again special times with friends...... .

cityquilter grace said...

glad to know your birthday was happy and a wish for many many more of the same!