I could start out by saying where has the time gone once again?? But I do know where it has all gone, and I will try to catch up with the newsfromjude in this post. My life has taken an interesting turn lately, after having been buried in work and quilts for almost 22 years now. While I am still quilting, I am reducing my work load as I head into semi retirement.
In amongst a little bit of time with Max, there have been many trips out and about, as well as a few meals out and about with friends. There was a trip to the beach to sit and watch the waves one day. It was so peaceful and good for the soul. We had planned on a fish and chip lunch, but unfortunately picked a day that the shop was shut.!!
I did post a screen shot of the weather in a recent post as I set out down the highway on another trip. One reader did have a guess, and thanks Susan. It was definitely into cold country, while it was not the high country, it was a tad higher than home, and I did see road signs warning of ice and snow. I journeyed into Victoria to spend 4 days at Daylesford for grandma duties. The daytime temp was showing at 8deg when I arrived!! I did pack the suitcase with my winter woolies, and thankfully the house was well heated. This was home for 3 nights.
The purpose of my trip was to look after 2 little grandies while their mum and dad stayed not too far away to help a friend celebrate her birthday. This is the first time ever that I have looked after these 2, mainly because they live on the other side of Melbourne, in a 2 story house that has steps which I don't cope with very quickly, especially if I have little people to chase! So it was really special to be able to help out DD3 and family.
We had a great 3 days, and managed to fit in a range of activities, in amongst more TV time than they would normally have. We read books, did crafts, blew bubbles, went 'fishing', made scones and gathered bugs in the garden.
In the pic below, the ashtray is filled with snails that had been found in the garden!!
Mum and Dad checked in often with phone calls, video chats and photos.
Monday morning was pack and go time, and we stopped at Cliffy's for coffee before leaving town. This shop was amazing, and right out of the history books!! I took the photos below inside the shop, but forgot to get one of the outside, so thanks to Mr Google for this first photo.
The collection of old tins, packages etc inside on the shelves was fantastic.
I was surprised just how busy the place was at 10.30am on a Monday morning, as people queued for a table!!
After the family departed, I had arranged to meet with a fellow Statler owner who lives a bit further north. Alison has attended many retreats in Bordertown over the last few years, so it was good to catchup on each other's lives again.
As I travelled through the nearby countryside, the car told me it was 7 deg outside!! I doubt it got much warmer there for the rest of the day, but the temperature did rise as I got closer to home.
I had a stop in Horsham at a clothes shop and managed to add to my wardrobe. We usually complain the the clothes in the cupboard seem to shrink, but my problem lately is they seem to have got bigger and a sort out has been necessary. (Shouldn't call it a problem though??)
I have been working on a custom quilt for awhile now, and am pleased to say I finished it this morning. Photos will come in due course.
There was another trip out of town after church one Sunday to visit a friend, and we saw many paddocks of yellow like this. It looked so pretty even if there was no blue sky. The season in this part of the world has been very good so far, with adequate rains, although I know there are other areas of the country that would love some moisture.
There was another trip to the city one Saturday to catchup with a friend I had not seen for 28 years. Christine was a member of our Senior Rd KYB group when I lived on the farm. It was so good to catch up and renew the friendship. We sat at the lunch table and chatted for 4 hours!!

On the way home there was a stop at a lookout with a great view of the city. This was the first time I had been up here. Pity the day was very cloudy with misty rain and the photo does not show how good the view really was. (perhaps they could trim those trees too?)
This was followed by calling on Mum with takeaway for tea. A great day.
There has been more Zoom time with Chooky and friends. Once again great to catchup with these girls and get to know them.
In case you think I am out all the time, I did get to some domestic duties and cleaned out the freezer this week. You can see it definitely needed doing, and it was interesting to see what food was still in the bottom. I will be getting some farm beef soon to top supplies.
I think I shall finish there. There has been some quilting, which will wait for separate post. I have another allover loaded ready for MOnday morning. I am going out later, so probably better do some more domestic duties and I know last night's dishes are still sitting in the sink, and the fire needs to be lit.
Hope all is well in your world, where ever that may be.
Blessings, From Jude