Tuesday 18 July 2023

A Bit of this and much of that catchup post..................

 Once again I have had hints from some people that a blog post is well overdue. What has been happening at Number 8?? The month of July is more than half gone, and I can see August dates on the calendar that are not too far off.

I can say there has not been a lot of quilting with Max. So if you have come to newsfromjude for quilting news, I apologise. There has been some stitching time, but only by Val who stayed and house minded while I was absent. There was a bundle of fabrics in the drawer that were leftover from a quilt kit. Val took the pieces and has made this QFO (Quilts for others) quilt that has now joined the queue and will be donated in due course.

She then set to work to make some string blocks. There is a plan going forth for these, so stay tuned.

So what else has been on the agenda?? My end of June post made mention of going back into photos and memories from long ago. I won't go on too much about this, except to say that a lot of "stuff" has been worked through recently. I have sorted and cleared a lot that has been taking up space in my house and in my mind, for far too long...........

A symbolic burn. So am now feeling much lighter.

In the process of the above, a lot of photos came to light, that had not been sorted. These drawers had been previously been used for fabric collections, but were now empty. Now they are being reused to sort a lifetime of photos, as I get back to writing more of my life story. In January 2019 I started this and it has been 4 years since then, and I feel led to resume this project. 


Probably the most important part of recent weeks has been Vitamin F and there has been much of that. F stands for Friends and Family.!! 
A huge thankyou to those who have supported, listened and been there for me as I dealt with 'stuff'.

Below is photo of Mum, myself and my baby sister who I had a recent catchup with.

Miss Olivia received her new quilt last week.

A catchup with some of the locals, who look like they are solving the world's problems.

A recent evening impromptu catchup with these special Vitamin F's. We had such a good night.

The 2 Ruth's.

A recent catchup with the Melbourne family who came over the border for a few days.

Mum nursing her 22nd great grandchild. The 24th is due in September! A mighty effort for Mum -         5 children, 15 grandchildren and almost 24 great grandies. (She doesn't look 91 does she??)

Extended family.....

Mr Tate and his 2 grandmas.

There were other family visits, and some more photos, but either they are not on my camera. or good enough to publish.

Just one more pic of the progress at DS's block as earthworks are commenced prior to building. Exciting that there is something happening at last.

That's about all the newsfromjude for now. Max has finally been busy this week and I think I can finally report that my 'get up and go' has returned at last. Which is just as well, because the fairy is returning next week and there is a lot to do in readiness for the next market day early in September.

Blessings, From Jude


dq said...

Ah, Miss Olivia. What a sweet and happy child.
I loved your Vitamin F. Boy do we really need that in our lives. I am so glad they have lifted and carried you through hard times. So good you could also let go of things, physically and emotionally. I hope you are doing ok.

Susan Smith said...

Lovely to see a catch-up post & glad to see your mojo returning. Vitamin F has a great meaning & I too need to do some serious culling. Look forward to seeing some quilty happenings from you. Take care & hugs.

Karen's Korner said...

Glad to hear that your mojo has returned. Lovely Vitamin F time. It does feel good to go through and have a clean out every so often.

Susan said...

Love your Vit F story.

I can't imagine "5 children, 15 grandchildren and almost 24 great grandies" At 71 I have only just had the 4th grandchild...I really am dragging the chain....LOL

Raewyn said...

I'm glad to hear that you have had a good dose of Vitamin F - so important. And pleased that you have been able to work through some things and also that your mo-jo is returning. Gosh that's a lot of great grandies for your mum (and you all) to keep track of!

Maria said...

So nice to have a good dose of Vitamin F. Lots of lovely photos. No Mum doesn’t look 91.

Janice said...

I’m so pleased that you are feeling a bit more chirpy. It sounds like Vitamin F has been a good tonic. I look forward to seeing what you and Max get up to.

Jean McGee said...

It's good clearing the mind and life of clutter you can move forward now. Your Mum looks amazing and has a wonderful family caring for her 😍😍

kiwikid said...

Wonderful Vitamin F! Your Mum does look amazing for 91, good to hear your mojo has returned and you are quilting, no doubt the Fairy will keep everyone busy. Beautiful quilt Val made.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Val's quilt is quite lovely... I have been doing a bunch of shredding lately, I think a bonfire would be better... so nice to be able to spend time with friends and family - I hope I can make it next month xx

Chookyblue...... said...

OMG vitamin F is just the best..........I am lacking the Friends part at present being busy so fixing that tomorrow.....your Mum does not look 91 at all.......
wonderful to see lots of family also.......
Glad the mojo has returned and yes there is something symbolic about burning that stuff..........