Wednesday 21 August 2019

I am still here...........

It seems as though another 9 days has flown by since my last post, and I don't have many photos to show where that went to. I can say that life has been so busy, and lots getting done with my 'fairy' here. She is getting some order into things, and has the sorting and organising down to a fine art. All those little jobs, that I just don't get to are happening. Lots of fabric has been cut up and done into little packs for sale. Perhaps I shall go and take a photo of them all to show you before I finish this post.

This is just a small sample of what has been achieved...................

It hardly seems anytime since we packed up from the Go Cutter retreat, and tomorrow it all starts again with the arrival of a new bunch of ladies for a UFO weekend. I shall try to take more photos to show you what is happening.

We did have friends here last Sunday for an afternoon tea of scones, and to celebrate a birthday. Of course you always need a cake for a birthday don't you? And what could be better than a cream sponge cake?? But unfortunately, although he tried, our friend was unable to cut the cake!! (Because it was made with sponge rubber and not sponge cake!!)

Here is my "partner in crime" decorating the cake..........

...................and our friend trying to cut it!! (We did have a real cake for him after that!)

A picture of concentration while sorting the scraps, and making the decision on just which pile each piece needs to go. Much progress has been made, and there are a few packs of scrap quilt kits being made, with a suggested pattern added. Sorting the scrap stash is a very time consuming job and I am very thankful for what has been achieved. I think that we could all spend our remaining time making quilts from the scrap stash and not even cutting into the larger pieces of fabric.

While all of this activity has been happening, I have to admit that this is where I have spent some time. I am not sure how, but since last Friday I have found it difficult to move, and I have had to watch someone else do most things for me. Some pain relief and time have seen an improvement which I hope will continue. But what a blessing it has been to have a friend here to keep the "home fires" burning.

I had planned on posting some overdue quilt photos, but as they had not been downloaded, this can wait for another day. It's time to head to the lounge chair and the warm fire.

Be back soon with more retreat news,

Blessings, From Jude


Jean McGee said...

Just as well you have a "helping fairy" at the moment with your back being sore. Lots of jobs being done son take it easy and rest up.
Take care ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

I hope you are not overworking your fairy too much :) I am sure she is in her element, getting you organized!Remember to send her my way when you are done :) xx

Susan Smith said...

Hope you aren't feeling so sore now & glad your fairy has been helpng. I've got lots of scraps & really should do something with them. Maybe a weekend retreat with easy quilts for a charity. Just a thought. Take care.

Sue SA said...

I hope the physio or GP has been able to get to the source of your problem so it can be fixed. Take care.

Raylene Edwards said...

I’ve loved being a Fairy, however it’s been difficult to get “ Take-Off”... too much Baggage! Thanks for your advice to achieve a Fully Qualified Fire Warden Certificate, passing my L’s & P’s in record time. ๐Ÿ’•