I see that 17 days have disappeared since my last post and today I had a gentle reminder that there has been no blog for May. So here I am. The weather has turned out very cold and we had a frost this morning, so I have the laptop on my knee and am sitting in the chair by the fire. (I will tell you that I did not see that frost, but was told about it.)
In my last post I hoped that my 'get up and go' would return soon, Not long after that I thought that it had returned as I got back to work with Max and spent time in the garden. But the next week it left again. Some days are productive, and others are not. So I am just going with the flow, and listening to my body.
Going back through the photos I have found a few that tell me what has been going on here at Number 8. Or should I say, what has not been going on??
There was a QFO day....(Quilts For Others)......... more string blocks being made, but the container doesn't seem to going down............
..and these blocks are now being laid out......
.........and another day with friends that we enjoyed stitching time with.....(there might have been more socializing time than stitching time!!)

..................and a load of wood was delivered to my shed.......

............some time has been spent trying to sort fabric for the coming market day.......
Another year has gone and I am another year older,,... which is so close to Mother's Day which means that this collection is for 2 special days................
....it was a surprise to have this box arrive at my door one day.........
..and fortunately good friends turned up a few days later and soon organised the setup.....which was followed by Chinese takeaway while checking out how the TV works.............
.........and I confess to a some time since then 'cruising' through the movie list of Netflix.........
There has also been more book reading time, and some stitching time with Dear William. (I shall do a separate post about Dear William sometime.)
I drove to Murray Bridge on Mother's Day and enjoyed time with family at Mums.
Monday I had appointments in Murray Bridge and enjoyed coffee time with my brother and his wife.
That's about all for now. Another time there will be an update of quilting with Max and a post about Dear William.
I am hoping for that get up and go to return permanently very soon, as the fairy is due to return next week and she will be 'cracking the whip' as we prepare for the market day.
Stay warm in the southern part of the world, and stay cool if you are heading into warmer temperatures.
Blessings, From Jude