As the quilt show finished on Sunday afternoon and it is now Tuesday morning, perhaps I better do a post of the quilts before it gets to be old news. While I have seen a lot of the quilts before, I do love to see them with the bindings on and hanging in all their glory.
The Kaniva group have only a few members, and I did ask how many and for some reason that info has escaped the memory, but I know it was not more than 15 members. For such a small group they had a great quilt show with approx 100 quilts and a lot of variety too. This is not a judged show, and they don't have viewers choice either, but I am sure we all pick out our own favourites.
Visitors to the show were greeted by smiling faces. The Victorian population have endured more restrictions since Covid arrived than the rest of Australia and many quilt shows were cancelled during that time. So this year there are many smiles as quilters can freely get out and about and go to quilt shows again.
This photo was taken by Jenny from up on the stage.....(thanks Jenny)
I like this photo which shows just how different the same pattern looks when the colours of the fabrics change. I really had to look twice to see they were all made with the same design.
This is Lyn with her 365 quilt made in browns and beige................
..........and again this red and black is the same 365 pattern, but how different it looks.
Jenny had a few quilts on display and I made her asked her to stand in front of the one of her
favourites and this is her Hex'N'More quilt.
I made the same request to Erica and this was her favourite........
........and this is Sherrel with her quilt, Kaffe in Chains, that won a blue ribbon in Melbourne recently.
This is Marion's quilt...............
..... that she has now stitched an amazing collection of buttons onto............ there were a couple of ladies wanting to know where she bought the buttons from, but Marion said she had collected them many years ago.
This is another of Marion's applique quilts.

This is one of Maria's quilts and I love how she has quilted it, very simple.........
....but gives a great effect.
Here are some more I took photos of....................
The weekend was a lovely social occasion for me as well, catching up with many people from 'over the border' that I had not seen for a few years. That covid situation stopped a lot of us from crossing that border line and the retreats here were cancelled and many customers could not bring their quilts to me.
It was great to catch up with a lot of the Victorian girls, and many from Stawell, including Kerry and Lola, pictured below. Lola has been a longtime blog reader, so I know she will see this!!
It was also lovely to meet and chat to Judith Oke, who is the Vice President of Victorian Quilters. It is always good to see the members of the city group come out to the country.
Judith took a photo of Raylene and myself to put on her Instagram page. I had not 'succumbed' to that 'rabbit hole' before, but have now joined the ranks so I could see the picture, and will learn a bit more about it all soon.
I had a competition running for the weekend, and you can read the sign below..................
....and the winner was Teresa, who is pictured below when she collected her kit yesterday.
We enjoyed our social time and were very pleased with sales for the weekend and after a lovely couple of days it was time to pack it all up and head for home. Pack up always seems to be a lot quicker than getting it all ready.
My thanks go to the Kaniva girls for asking me to their show, and for the support they have given to my business over the years.
THE WEATHER!!............
I will just add in a bit about the weather. On Friday when we were packing up to come over the border, the weather was rather warm and we were in T Shirts. Driving out of Kaniva and heading for SA again, we noticed the sky.............
.............and before we got back to Bordertown the rain came down!! It was difficult to see ahead, and I did pull to the side of the road at one stage..........
By the time I arrived home, it had mostly gone...... only a few mls recorded here but lots on the other side of town.
By Saturday morning it all cleared away and we enjoyed a nice day.
By Sunday morning the rain had returned and came down steady all day. Thankfully it did not deter people from coming to the quilt show.
But we did have to load the car, very quickly, in the rain and drive home in rain again.
Monday the rain kept coming and this morning it is still drizzling. While many have recorded much, there is only about 25mls total in my gauge. Edited..... just checked the gauge and there is 36mls in total for last few days, so more than I thought!!
There is mixed reaction from farmers, some happy for it to finish off crops that are still green and some not happy for their cut hay to get wet. It's just as well we can't control the weather, because everyone wants something different. And we are thankful that this area has not been flooded like so many others.
As it's after 9am and I am still in my dressing gown, it must be time for a shower and get dressed. Even the fairy has made herself a cuppa and gone back to bed!!
My day is scheduled to be with the bookwork getting ready for an appointment with the accountant on Thursday to do my 2021/2022 tax return. I did load a quilt onto Max yesterday ready for later in the week.
Blessings, From Jude