Here we are almost at the half way mark of January, (how does that happen?), so it seems like a good place for a newsfromjude update!!
So what has been happening so far in 2023??
As usual I needed to go back to the photo files and the diary, so it is just as well I take a few pics!!
Val came to stay for a few days after New Year and put together 3 quilt tops, using Forever Magic Unicorn fabric. They are now waiting for the quilter.......
(Ignore the roll of wadding on the table, but I was cutting for the QFO quilts).
This one was made using up all the leftover pieces from the first 2!!
I had mentioned that this pile was waiting for me and I did manage to get all but 3 of these done.....
...........and then they went to the fairy to add the binding...............
..and it is just as well that someone enjoys, and does a good job of handsewing to finish.....
Sorry I don't have a finished pic of this one, and seems like there is a few more missing pics!!
I do know there are more in the cupboard, waiting for the hand stitching of the binding. I think I might have to try to machine sew the bindings on as the QFO quilts pile accumulate.
There has been a lot of fabric sorting happening, as is usual, and a lot of computer work as I add fabric packs to my blog page. Also a lot of planning going on for an event in February that I shall do a separate post for, very soon.
We have had some rather HOT days, and this is when I decide to spend time reading and this is another book that I enjoyed. It had an ending that I had not expected!!
All too soon, it was time to head to the railway station and wait to hear the whistle just before the train came around the bend............
There was not a cloud in the sky while we waited and the train was not very late this time.
The garden has been producing well. There are some strawberries in the freezer for future catering and many friends have received some of the garden's bounty.
The pickings one morning...........
............and then again 3 days later!
Back in April, 2022 I reported on watching by zoom, the wedding of friend's daughter in India. Finally just before Christmas, he received his visa to come to Australia. Early in January they held a reception for family and friends to help them celebrate.
They wore their Indian outifts for this..........
Look how ornate the skirt is!! Hard to photograph how much it glittered.... and apparently it
weighed 5 kgs!! The evening was rather warm so I felt for her.
Yesterday I went to the city for my 6 monthly check with the Haematologist, with the news that levels are unchanged, which was a relief. After that it was lovely to visit with DD1 and family, before heading home.
It was a very warm day and the temp got up to 39deg. On the way home traffic came to a complete stop on the freeway in the hills.....and I couldn't see ahead for a reason.......
..............I could see 2 helicoptors flying around overhead..........
We were stationary for about half and hour, and I am so glad I was on the way home and not running late for an appointment...and that I had the comfort of air con in the car while I waited. The TV news stated that an electrical fault in a caravan caused a fire, which burnt the van and spread to the grassed area along the freeway.....thankfully the CFS managed to control the fire with no further damage, except the caravan.
I was keen to check out the flooding around Murray Bridge and was amazed, but not surprised, at how the water had spread. I would have loved to stop on the Swanport Bridge and take a photo, but was aware that a lot of people had been causing havoc by doing just this, so I refrained. I did drive to the lookout just past the bridge, but couldn't see the same view for a photo of the water either side of the bridge. But I did get this one coming down from the lookout. The area you see covered in water would normally be grass land and grazed by cattle. A few years ago there was a dairy here. All this water is not the actual river, which is to the right of the photo. There is a lot of grazing land now covered in water, due to the levees giving way. I'm thinking it will take a long time for the land to drain and be able to be used for agriculture??..........In another life time we lived along the river, further up from here, and milked cows in an area just like this, so I can appreciate the impact this will be on the owners.

Just a few family pics for you today.....
This is GD3, who finished Year 12 in 2022 with good results, and this week received her first preference for Uni this year. A great result after putting in the hard yards to achieve her results.
GD1 completed her nursing training and enjoyed an overseas trip at the end of 2022 and now has a 12 month contract in a hospital.
A very proud big sister and brother nursing Miss Olivia.
..........who is now a very smiley baby, and how did she get to be 2 months old already??
I received these photos of Miss Billie and Mr Jett filling the pots with soil, and planting seeds......
.......and how typical that Mr Jett has got down right into the dirt, as you can see by his knees!!

DD1 and family are now the proud owners of a puppy, named Alfie, and they are all besotted.
DD2 and boys have been spending time at their holiday house by the beach.
That's about all for now, as I have successfully filled in an afternoon by the aircon. The forecast temperature for today is 42deg C, (translated to deg F is 107!!!) and I just looked online and see it is now 41.8!! Not going outside to check, and hoping I have a lot of inside jobs for the next week.
Blessings, From Jude