Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Happy Birthday
Sunday, 17 January 2021
A winner and a catchup, again......................
I see that it is 10 days since my last post, and it has been one of those 'gunna do' jobs on the list all this week, but the days just went by. So here we are and it's Sunday evening, so perhaps I'll update the newsfromjude, just in case you had missed me.
Perhaps I better start with the announcing the winner of the competition for the best estimate of the number of stitches per square inch in that quilt. My apologies for not announcing this earlier this week.
There was a wide range of entries, that varied from not many, to squillions! It was interesting to hear how some of you worked it out. Thankyou for all those who entered, but the closest was from Chookyblue, who estimated 55 and the answer was 54!! I have spoken to Chooky and she will pick some fabric from my "collection" as her prize.
I have continued my clearing in the garden, and had 7 heaps of rubbish ready to be collected last week. When the days are cooler I am busy out there, but when the weather heats up as it looks to do next weekend, it is time to stay indoors, unless I do the early morning shift outside.
When I get some more progress I will post before and after photos, so stay tuned.
At the start of a new year it is a good time to go through paper work and put things away that seem to accumulate in busy times. The cutting table had a LOT of "stuff" and some of it are things I use on Max that I need close at hand. So off to the shop I went to buy a set of drawers.......
It did look like this when I had finished and I know it won't stay like that when I have projects on the go, but at least it makes me feel better to know that I have cleared the decks, at least for awhile.
I started work again this week after Max had his holiday, and here are the 4 allover quilts that I had ready to do.
On Friday morning I went to the doctor for what I thought would be a biopsy on a lump on my chest and before I knew it, she decided that to avoid having to cut twice, it may as well come right out there and then. 7 stitches later I walked out the door!!
Looking out the window this week I noticed this fella (or is it a she?) heading for the front entrance. I think perhaps I might have removed a lot of it's original home by removing a lot of garden growth?
Our local patchwork group is to celebrate their 25th year in a few months, and as Publicity person I am compiling a history of our group into a book. That previously cleared desk has now been put to use with all these photo albums and minutes books while I do this.
My car was due for a service and this meant a drive up to Keith, which is about half and hour away. They loan me a car while they do the job. Val came with me and we browsed the shops and I might have left some funds in some of them. We finished up the morning with a coffee until the car was finished.
I did get told that my car needed some new tyres, so I drove back to Bordertown and booked the car in for that job on Friday morning, so that is another couple of jobs ticked off the list. I have to confess that I am not a bit mechanically inclined and rely on the service guys to tell me when those things need doing.
And this what it looks like on my kitchen table at the moment as I have spent the weekend going through the albums looking for photos.
I received the news this week that my mother in law (photo below) passed away, one month short of her 95th birthday. She has done an amazing job to stay living in her own home until the end. The funeral is tomorrow and I have been back through the years in the process of writing a tribute to her on behalf of my husband, (her second son) and our family.
I think that might be enough of newsfromjude for now and hopefully I will be back sooner next time.One day I might even have some more sewing news from me? Hopefully I will have a couple of visitors for next weekend as we head into celebrations for Australia Day, although not in the same way as other years at Number Eight.
Blessings, From Jude
Thursday, 7 January 2021
This and that......
A it is already the 7th January, perhaps I better try to keep up with newsfromjude happenings before too much more time elapses. I have to say that there has been no quilting happening here, and Max is having a holiday. But I can tell you that it is no holiday for me, and there has been a lot of hard labour occurring. After months and probably almost a year of neglect I am making progress out in the garden. Most of the garden beds are in the process of renovation and I can see progress out there. Of course this is a never ending task and I need to keep it maintained.
I have just a few pics for this post, and will post more of other areas another day.......This was one of the worst areas, and the view that was just outside the front door of my house. The garden had been taken over by those wild violets and you can't even see the few shrubs that were in amongst it all. And that wheelbarrow!!......

We are in a for hot spell in the next week, so my plan is to keep that area watered and plant something when it cools a bit, although not sure what that will be yet? I am on a mission to clean up all the beds that I can before next week, when I have someone booked to come and take away all the garden prunings and rubbish. (I have about 7 heaps of "stuff" all over the place all ready!) After a rather "too sedentary" lifestyle in a lot of 2020, I am finding this to be "hard labour", and I have been very tired. But I guess it is doing me some good as my 1/2 hour in the garden at the start has now turned into almost 4 hours at a time this week. Note to self...... get more active!
It was the 90th birthday of a lady who was a neighbour back when we lived on the farm, so I thought she might like a quilt. Thankfully I chose just the right colour that matched the cushions in her lounge, and I think I can say she was pleased. Congratulations Ruth an reaching 90!
I had to go to Murray Bridge last week for a blood test and called in to have lunch with Mum. There was an impromptu gathering that included Mum and my Aunty who has recently moved into the Village where mum is, and 5 of the cousins. It was a lovely catchup with a few I have not seen for ages, and we had a lot of laughs. Mum's 92 year old sister (not in the photo) recently moved into Resthaven and her family have just finished clearing out her house. Another cousin is about to move from her home which has been in her husband's family for 100 years. Lots of discussion about the things that some people collect and keep, and what to do with them "one day". Some of us have lots of memories around, (and that includes me!) and some are "minimalists" and don't have the sentiment to keep those things. I definitely know that I couldn't cope with a move from here in the immediate future!!??
Most years I have sent a Christmas card and letter to all my Cornerstone Creations customers, but this year it came and went before I was ready. I sent a New Year's newsletter by email instead this time. It was an interesting read to go back to newsletters from year's gone by as I have been in this business since February 2002, so I am about to clock up 19 years of quilting for others!! (Almost long service leave coming up don't you think?)
I enjoyed a quiet New Year's Eve with friends and we shared crayfish, which was so good. It has been a long time since I had a meal of this, so I say thanks to China for refusing to buy them this year. Hopefully I can enjoy some again soon.
That's about all the newsfromjude for now. Tomorrow I hope to be "out there" early in the hope of finishing the hard part soon. I think that by Monday I will load another quilt on Max and get back into some sort of action. Inside by the air con will be a good place to be when the temperature gets to the high 30's! All good things must come to an end, and it's time for my "holiday" to be over.
Blessings, From Jude
PS - Just a reminder that there is still time to guess the number of stitches per square inch, (not the total in the whole quilt). This competition will finish Saturday evening. Look forward to hearing from a few more yet and thanks for those who have entered. - photo added for a reminder!
Monday, 4 January 2021
2 years old today........
2 years have gone by since the birth of my 9th grandchild, Tate, a little brother for Miss Bridie. It was so cute watching her looking at him. Wonder just what was going on in that 3 1/2 year old head? The world, as she knew it was about to change. She has been a good little mother hen to him by helping Mum and Dad. Might be a bit interesting as he gets older and doesn't want to be "helped", and even now he has a mind of his own.
It is good to check the albums for photos, and go back a bit, but it is also a reminder to me that I have so many photos that need a lot of organising "one day".
Blessings, From Jude