Yesterday was a lovely sunny day for a drive around the countryside. And what a better place to go,
a quilt show of course! A car load of us from this side of the border (South Australia), headed over the border into Victoria and 2 hours later we were in Horsham. We did do some shopping before we found the quilt show, mostly we were very restrained, but one lady who had no intention of buying anything, came out of the shop with more boxes than anyone else!!
Then we found the place where the Horsham Quilting group had their exhibition.
What a delightful display it was, the theme was Retro, and they had lots of props for that. Bit of a trip down memory lane for some ladies, to remember the electrical appliances we used, the colours that were "in", the linen, and of course the clothing!!

I do remember so well the lovely (?) orange furniture, and have to confess that our first kitchen chairs were orange, and I did have orange curtains that I very proudly made for our first house.

The group challenge was a pin cushion and above the amazing variety.

One of Fayes quilts on display above.

And I did smile at the label on this by Kaye, made because she wanted to!! I hear so many quilters say that they can't start another quilt, because they have no where to put it, but why do we need to have somewhere for it? If we were painters, we would not need a reason to paint another painting. And we are artists too, and it's our creativity. I recall Bonnie Hunter making a comment something like that in one of her books, I shall try and find it.

There was even Retro music playing in the background, and a few tunes certainly got the feet going. Above you can see the lady in the green shirt, who was dancing down the room! Sorry you cant really see the movement, I should have had the video! And I must admit to feeling like dancing along with her!

A display of retro linens. There were more tablecloths on the lunch tables, and one had corners of a crinoline lady in orange, with cross stitch in the centre of the cloth. Sorry I forgot to take a photo.

I remember my grandmother had tablecloths on check fabrics, with cross stitch patterns. Was a day to take us back in time, and show our ages too!

No zips in sight on these suitcases. And now that I say that, I remember that people in Queensland would probably call them "ports", at least I remember my cousins used to.

These Women's Weekly magazines are certainly collector's items.

And the white glove ladies kept with the retro theme, with their lovely yellow aprons. I don't think I see anyone wearing aprons any more.

Lovely dolls pram, made of cane!
Thankyou to the Horsham girls for a lovely day, and great to catch up with you all.
And on the way home, we did the tourist thing and went off the highway for a change.
Came back a different road.

This is the lake at Natimuk, west of Horsham. There were hundreds of ducks in the water, and lots of swans.

Photo taken from the Natimuk Lake looking back to Mount Arapiles, which is used by lots of rock climbers and especially schools in the area. The land around it for miles is so flat, and there is this rock outcrop in the midst of the flat.

Winter is almost here, although we have had no rain, you can see that the water level in the lake is out at the moment. Don't think it would be a good idea to jump off the end of this jetty.

A few years ago, it was a common occurrence for us to go for drives around the countryside, especially as farmers we liked to see other areas. So I was interested to observe the changing countryside, firstly close to Horsham, that the land was mostly used for cropping and sheep and cattle were hardly seen. Then as we got closer to South Australia we saw more sheep and a few cattle. But we did not see any lambs, which surprised me, being the autumn season. Just before we got to the border, I took a wrong turn, and headed in the wrong direction. So I turned back, and found this paddock of new lambs! As it was a day of nostalgia and reminiscing, perhaps it was appropriate that I took the wrong road, as otherwise I would not have seen these lambs. Mostly I don't miss the farm and all the worry about weather, prices, health of stock etc etc, but when I see the little lambs frollicking around the paddocks with their mums, then I feel a bit sad for what we don't have anymore. So maybe it was a 'right' turn and I was meant to go that way.
All in all, it was a lovely day, I have had 2 days out this week, as on Wednesday I went to Penola with some friends to Green Triangle Day. This is a day where the patchwork groups in the SE of South Australia and the West of Victoria gather together once a year for guest speakers, show and tell, shopping, and eating and chatting. I feel like I had been "let out of school" both days, and now need to get my head down this week and back into the quilts! And I do have lots of quilt photos banking up to show you. But that's for another day.
I had a lovely visit this morning from my son and his girlfriend, who were here briefly. Good to catch up with them.
Better finish off now, and as it's Sunday, I shall take the rest of the day off, and put my feet up by the fire and maybe read a book. Have a quilt loaded ready for the morning.
Blessings, From Jude