As it is almost 2 months since we returned from WA, perhaps I need to finish the report of our trip, so that I will have it in the printed book. I shall try to be brief in this post............ In the part 5 report we had just arrived back into SA....... was cool and cloudy and the temperature was down to 21deg.........we finished our day at the Nullabor caravan park............
............and this was the next morning after most campers had already departed. We still had 2 weeks before we needed to be home, and had driven a few long days up to now, so were in no hurry...........
.......we were aiming for Ceduna and had a lunch stop at Penong, the home of all the windmills...........
......and then to the quarantine station at Ceduna........we were surprised about the quick check as they did not even get into the van to look......
That night we camped at the Ceduna foreshore caravan park..........
.......spent some time watching this dozer move the huge pile of salt around and then it was loaded onto a conveyor and onto a ship in the port.............

The bay at Ceduna.......
Next morning, (which was day 33) we departed by about 9.30am. We decided to follow the coast road around Eyre Peninsular instead of heading cross country like we had on the way over. My brother lives on Eyre Peninsular and we decided it was a good chance to catch up with him as he was holidaying at Cowell......................
The tourist maps showed a lot of little towns on the coast with things to look at, and we did start to drive into a couple, but we had the caravan in tow and the roads were very rough and corrugated, so we turned back to the highway.
We did call into Murphy's Haystacks and found these unusual stone formations in a paddock...........
Our next stop was at Elliston and we found a cliffside drive with amazing scenery.........
It was late afternoon when we went for a walk along the elliston jetty............
The next morning we headed further south along the coast..........the countryside here was very stony and the 'old timers' had used a lot of these stones to make their fences.... sorry no photo as it was difficult to take one while we were travelling...........We decided to skip going down to the point and to Port Lincoln, so crossed countryside to Cummins ...............which was much more fertile cropping country with out the stones............

.............and into Tumby Bay, which was a very pretty and tidy town............
...with a painted silo..........
We make a quick detour into Arno Bay, but did not stop to take any photos.....and the next port of call was at our destination of Cowell.............we had a site alongside my brother and his wife......
we did the tourist thing and had a look around the area...........
The next day we did a day trip inland to Cleve then up to Darke Peak where my brother's family farms are...........
On day 37, we left Cowell and headed further up the east coast of the peninsula to Whyalla, where we drove up to the lookout which looks out over the whole town.............
...and from there to Port Augusta, where we turned south............which road shall we take??
We headed to Wilmington and and took the inland road south, crossing the mountains at Horrocks Pass.....the countryside through here told us of the dry season with poor harvests and bare paddocks going into the next season.......
...............we had a quick stop at Wirrabara, where there was another painted silo............
We passed through many little towns and finally made a stop at Laura, where we had stayed previously, where they had supplied afternoon tea of scones. We were in luck and here they were again!!
You might get the idea that we enjoyed the scones!!??
The next day we journeyed further south, through and made a little detour into Brinkworth, which was where I lived earlier in my life........this was the house and it had been lovingly renovated, which was pleasing to see as sometimes it's not good to go back ............
We spent the next night camped at my son's house in the Barossa and spent some time with them. We had hoped to meet up with other family, but that did not work out............
From there it was to Murray Bridge Marina caravan park for a few nights which was a base for visits to family and a city appointment.............
We arrived home 41 days after we had left, (January 15th), having travelled 9,200 km. It is always sad to head home again, but Barry tells me, "it's ok, just think that it's one day closer to going away again!!??"
Blessings, from Jude (oh, and Bazza!!)