Saturday 31 December 2022

Wrapping up December

Just a quick post to finish off December, even though it is already January. Nothing has changed and I am running behind as usual. My apologies also that I am behind in reading your blogs. I will catch up, sometime soon!?

 In my last newsfromjude post, I reported on the time with Mum and going back in time.... The time with Mum went very quickly. We had a great time reminiscing and looking through the photo albums. 

Christmas day was fairly quiet. We went to church in the morning and enjoyed morning tea after the service.We enjoyed roast turkey for lunch and were joined by a friend whose family gathering was cancelled due to illness. Some food preparation for our Boxing Day gathering took up some of the afternoon, and Mum spent time packing her case to go home.

Boxing day temperature was much higher and we set off early for Murray Bridge so that Mum could unpack at home before we went to my sister's house for our extended family annual gathering. It is rather fortunate that they have a swimming pool, which entertained many of the younger members of the family. Our numbers were down this year, due to some family with the dreaded C, and a niece holidaying in the Antarctic.

On the way home from Murray Bridge I collected another passenger, and Raylene came came home with me. The days leading up to the end of the year also went quickly. After going through all the history with mum, I decided I needed to get back into my life story which I had started years ago. I spent the next few days sorting the information and photos and getting the next chapter written. In the mornings I quilted some customer allover quilts with Max and afternoons were taken up on the computer. Family history is like going down another rabbit hole, and I can see that I might be down there for a looooong time to come. (It is packed up again, for now as I have other duties!)

Raylene put a couple of QFO tops together, ready for the quilter to come out of the rabbit hole sometime!

We did spend some time in the reclining position, with our feet up, reading books.

And Val came in to spend some time with us and is staying for a few days too.

The year finished off with a few friends here for the evening to celebrate the New Year and also to celebrate a birthday for the fairy who happens to have been a New Year's Eve special delivery for her mother..... not saying how many years though!

I have another post of recent customer quilts to finish off 2022 news so will be back with that soon. And then another post to summarize the year that was 2022. Stay tuned.

Blessings, From Jude


1 comment:

dq said...

Y0u had some nice social gatherings of late. Friends and relationships are so uplifting for us.