Saturday 19 February 2022

February catching up...................

 Here we are again with a catchup post of newsfromjude. February has more than half gone and I see that the only posts for this month have been about history. The history of CCMQ and then my story of Mignon. Oh, of course there was the winner announcement, but nothing of recent happenings. Which brings me to the thought of what have I been up to too? 

Looking back at the photos tells me a bit, although I don't seem to be taking as many photos lately. Is it because I am not doing much? - Perhaps not.

  In the kitchen.............a few sausage rolls for a catering job...........although otherwise time in the kitchen has been to grab and go and eat on the job!


A few customer quilts have walked out the door..........and I will save these photos for a separate post.


The weather has been much milder this week which helps the motivation to get things done. I confess to wilting when it is really hot. A little time has been spent in the garden, although not as much as is necessary. Watering takes a fair amount of time in the mornings. The cucumbers and zuchinnis are ready to pick most mornings, so you know what is on the menu this month don't you? I can't say that the tomatoes are producing as this has been about the only one from the bush and I can't see any more on the way.

I received this lovely card from one of my retreaters this week. She knows that I am "into" frogs.  Inside was a lovely message from her re missing coming to stay. Thanks Kathleen, missing you too.

A few years ago I saw where someone took the word FROG as the initials for the saying...............
 Fully Rely On God..................... and I thought that was worth remembering and started putting a few frogs around the house and in the garden. Well, you know that when people find out you like something, they buy you one, and it snowballs and now I have frogs everywhere!! The grandies all love to run around and see how many frogs they can see. (Perhaps I should go around and take photos and see how many I can find for myself??)

There have been a few cuppas with friends who have called in.


The fabric sorting continues. Sometimes I wonder if there is any progress or perhaps I am just shifting it from one place to another?? I have had no time at the sewing machine, but lots of the scraps are being put aside in preparation for QFO days that are about to commence. Have been trying to come up with a name for this and so far Quilts For Others is what we are going for??? This week the first of these days is scheduled. I have been putting easy to sew ideas in a folder in readiness. Watch this space for further updates.


There has been lots of time spent at the computer...... typing our patchwork group newsletter each month............ getting to know the powerpoint programme, and I think I have learnt enough now to do this job.............sorting photos and writing blog posts and replying to comments............and commencing the writing of CCMQ 20 year history........... this has been quite time consuming going through all the information I have collected over the years.......... I had it all in various places, including this cupboard under the cutting table which was jammed packed with papers and magazines etc............................which is now empty!!

I have been through the magazines etc and all the other info and kept what I need to scan and it is all now neatly stored in this plastic tub, ready for when I have a bit of time to sit at the computer.......

Another 10 Ready Set & Sew kits have been designed and cut. The maths guru is in the process of checking these and the fairy is coming to pack them soon.

I am the first one to admit that cleaning is not high on the agenda here, and I can work in an "organised" mess for some time until.......... I have to stop and "clear the decks", so that I can think again. I must have stopped long enough to notice the cobwebs in the windows behind the blinds so it was time for action!! I can now see clearly out the windows! (Well, in this room.... we won't look at the other windows yet). And I won't show you the photo I took of the cobwebs!!


This story will give you a laugh for your day, and we need to laugh at least once a day don't we?
Another area of my house that has been stressing me is in my bedroom. This is where the 'stuff' gets put that is out of sight to most people. All the cupboards are chockers and need a big overhaul, but it's time that needs to be spent elsewhere at the moment. But, I had a thought! If I did one little bit at a time I would feel better?? So my vanity cupboard was the start........ I never used most of what was in the cupboard!! Won't take long will it? Started clearing out all the towels that were taking up space, only need 3 of those and a couple face washers........ why did I have 14 in there?? Next was all the lotions and potions that I haven't used in years!! I'll put it all out on the kitchen table so I don't have to bend down so far.......... note that blue circle in the photo below..........

.........what is this stuff?? I was trying to read the label, I think it was some sort of bath wash??

On with the glasses to read the label.... (only need them for closeup vision)...... and in the process of holding the bottle up close to read the info....... the container exploded!!! @##$%$%$$
No photos, but it was in my hair, running down over the glasses onto my face and down, down, further to my shirt, (soaked through) and onto my trousers!! As it dripped further onto my shoes, I jumped up and quickly headed for the shower, the second one for the morning, and another hair wash also. 
Then I returned to the kitchen and the CLEAN UP! Thankfully the bottle was not glass.
Did I say that the contents were pink?

I now have lovely clean floors, walls and doors in the kitchen. Just goes to show that you can find good in every situation!! Floor cleaning had been on my agenda, but not on that day. My quick little task turned into one that took me hours!!

EDIT......... After a few comments asking what the pink stuff was, I actually went out to the bin and found the rubbish bag with the broken bottle and this is what it said.........

..............I think the problem was that the plastic had gone quite brittle after many years in the cupboard. The positives..... it was not glass......the pink contents were not toxic and washed away easily....... I had my glasses on and nothing went into my eyes......


I am starting to work out a new routine in between a bit of customer quilting. Each day seems to work itself out, while also staying flexible if I need to be.

That's about it for now, I will be back with customer quilts in another post. I also have a few family pics for a post too. Be back, sometime............... 

Blessings, From Jude


Katie said...

My goodness! So what was the pink stuff?

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

So was it bath wash in the end? Looks like it smells like berries :)

Raylene Edwards said...

You are making great progress with reducing fabric & making up kits. Even more progress reducing surplus to requirements in your cupboards. And the exploding bath foam proves keeping STUFF for too long may explode in your face 😡

kiwikid said...

Doing a little each day sounds good, but not when it explodes and takes much longer than you planned!

ButterZ said...

Another great post Jude

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Oh wow, lots happening in this post :) I need to tackle cobwebs here too.. so I need to follow in your good example and do a bit at a time! And I need to sort out my bedroom cupboards.. and I need to do my floors... hmmm.... There are just not enough hours in the day! Your sausage rolls look delish :) xx

Maria said...

A post packed with so much.
Glad the contents of the exploding wasn't toxic.
Always a good in most situations. nice clean floor , wall and door.

loulee said...

There must be something in the air! I've been sorting and cleaning too. No explosive pink cocktails though. Glad you had your specs on.

Janice said...

A nice newsy post. I feel your pain with the exploding bottle. Our Joey knocked a jar of tomato relish onto the kitchen floor and it smashed. What a mess. We were struggling to get rid of all the sticky, so went and hired the floor cleaning machine from Bunnings, took all the furniture out of the kitchen, dining and sitting rooms and gave the floor a good scrub. Not planned, but definitely needed. We didn’t realise how dirty the grout was.

Chookyblue...... said...

what a fright but in hindsight how funny would it have been seeing you with pink stuff everywhere.........what a mess to clean up..........It sure did spread well by the sounds of it.........I also am tackling tiny spots......slowly I will get there........

Jean McGee said...

Sounds like you are still in a cleaning up mode, you'll get there slowly, hopefully there won't be any more explosions!