Friday 4 June 2021

A short update......


I am back with some newsfromjude, although it is just a short post tonight of just a few of the happenings while the fairy was visiting. I had uploaded lots of photos, but now will separate them into several smaller posts. 

First up is a photo of the yellow chrysanthemum that I was hoping for. Of all the colours that I had in the garden, I only had 3 different coloured ones grow after the transplanting. I am hoping to have more variety next year after purchasing a few more pots at the garden centre last month.

The tree man left quite a few very large pieces of wood in the backyard after the cutting down of the trees. Friends owned a wood splitter and came around to deal with the large bits that are now much smaller and in a heap to dry out for burning next year.

Sometimes it is the unplanned things that make a difference to the day. I had to phone a friend concerning our upcoming quilt show and found out they they were holidaying at the beach, which was just a nice drive from here. After I finished the business part of the call and had hung up, (why do I say that when these days you only have to press a button??), I had an idea and said to the fairy, how about a day trip to the beach for some fish and chips? Oh no, she said, we have far too much market preparation to do yet, there is no time! It was half an hour later that we departed for the beach!! Note to self, need to do more of that. It was a lovely day out with friends I had not seen in such a long time..... now I am trying to think and it could be more than 3 years!! And the fish was worth the drive also!

After church one Sunday we did some hospital visiting too, and caught up with a couple of friends.

There was much action cutting, and packing kits ready for sale. I will come back soon with a Market report.

I can say that this corner was very messy as I rummaged through looking for just the right fabrics, but it now looks so tidy! My organising fairy left it all so neatly folded before she departed. My worry now is if I need to select a colour from the bottom of those piles, and I am expected to remove it without disturbing things!!?? (Note, this is not the only section of my fabric stash!)

I will come back soon with news from Market day and the days following. I can't believe that another week has been and gone. So much has happened this year, life always seems to be busy, and sounds great. But behind all the activity and fun times there has been quite a bit of not so fun stuff, and this week I have felt rather overwhelmed by it all. Good friends and family are going through turmoil and I am sad for them. Add that to being so very tired and working through a few of my own medical issues. I have cancelled a few things this week and tried really hard to step back from the busyness and pace myself. I have spent more time in God's word, praying for all those people and finding peace.
This morning's reading summed it all up, from Matthew Chapter 11, verse 28. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest"  Amen.

Enjoy your weekend, whatever you are up to, and wherever you are.

Blessings, From Jude


Chookyblue...... said...

Take care of yourself Jude...... I'm sure you'll be able to keep that corner tidy for awhile pulling fabrics out......

kiwikid said...

My goodness the Fairy gets busy! Spontaneous trips are sometimes the best and fish and chips by the sea is always wonderful. Look after yourself, take time when you need it and relax.

Raylene Edwards said...

So glad you got your BIG GIRL PANTS on, it really was a wonderful day at Robe, lots of laughter with great friends. I recently read a sign saying ‘ A day without a laugh is a day wasted’. However, there are days when it’s impossible to laugh, so I’m praying the Lord will comfort you then. 💕

Maria said...

Take care of yourself Jude and I think your unplanned trip having fish and chips as well as catching up with friends was great ...

Susan Smith said...

Nice to see a catchup post, but please take a bit more time for yourself. When I saw a quick trip to the beach, I thought "quick" from your place then realised it must have been when you were away for Market. Take care & stay safe.

Alison said...

How lovely to see Michele and Larry smiling in your photo! What a super day out.

Susan said...

Sorry to hear you are "under the weather" and sad for your friends - but I see from later posts that all is not lost.
Hang in there