Tuesday 27 August 2024

I am still here!!!

 I can see my last post was titled "From Glendambo to home"........ and we have been home now for 4 weeks! How did all that time go by?? Looking back at the last 4 weeks I can see a lot has happened.......

Max has been busy working through the queue of customer quilts waiting to be done.......My last post made mention of getting ready for a birthday party.....and there is other news to share too, but I will have a separate post for that.

I have a post of recent customer quilts to show you, but it is not finished yet......

I am still a loooong way behind in reading other blogs, although some I have read but not commented on. My apologies to you all. Thanks to those who still check up on me even though posts are few and far between. I have managed to check in on a couple of Chooky's zoom meetings though.

Today I am trying to finish a custom quilt, so will get back to doing that before I post again.....

There was another trip to Naracoorte yesterday.

 Pat and I attended Appraisal day in Adelaide earlier in the month.........

I had an issue with the car during the trip.....it told me that there was a problem with the tyre pressures and gave me an orange warning light........Pat went to the drivers manual and looked up the problem......and after a phone call to someone who should know.......we decided that it was safe to keep driving. 

I had the family photo that was taken at my birthday party enlarged, framed and hung on the lounge wall. It has all of my family and grandies in, and I will treasure this, as they don't all get together in the one place very often.

We received a visit from my cousin and his wife on their way home from a holiday over the border.

We have had visits from other friends, enjoyed meals out with friends and been rather busy sorting more 'stuff' from 2 houses. Not a lot of photos to share though.

That's all for this post, as I need to get back to Max. Be back sometime soon with my other exciting news.

Blessings, From Jude


Maria said...

Looks like you’ve been keeping busy but it was nice to see you pop up and keeping well.
Lovely family photo….

Janice said...

You have been busy since returning home. Max will have been pleased to get reacquainted. The family photo is lovely. Our car is giving an annoying warning light too, which can be ignored. Hopefully will be rectified at its next service. It was nice to see you on Zoom the other day.

ButterZ said...

Good to see your post Jude. Can’t wait for the exciting news. Your family phot is a beautiful one and looks great on your wall for all to see. Great memories.

kiwikid said...

Life is busy for you Jude, lots of sorting as you say. Fantastic family photo, so good everyone was together. Hope the car is behaving now and you are enjoying working away on Max.

Chookyblue...... said...

wow a month home already..........where has the time gone..........glad to read max is back in the mix...........lovely family photo.........when you get that big its hard to get everyone together...........

Anonymous said...

Good to see a post from you Judy & understand how we can all get busy & sidetracked. Look forward to seeing more posts. Take care and hugs.

Anonymous said...

That's Susan above (grannysmith). Not sure why I've become anonymous lately.

Susan said...

Time flies by! lovely photo to treasure. I'm sure Max is pleased to have you focusing on him!

loulee said...

You've been busy. Great to read all of your goings on.