Friday 4 August 2023

50 years ago......

.............on August 4th, 1973, I married the love of my life. I was 19 years old, he was 20. 

I have lots of thoughts going through my head today. As he left us for his heavenly home 19 1/2 years ago, I guess today is not really one of celebration. But I do feel the need for some sort of acknowledgement.

 Thinking back now, I wonder about the fact that we go into one of the most important events of our life, with no training and little knowledge. While schools teach us how to do 'reading, writing and arithmetic',  nothing is ever taught about the life skills needed in a marriage and to bring up children. I find it ironic that by the time you gain some knowledge and a bit of life's wisdom, that we have already made the mistakes and can't change a thing.

We promise "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." 

How many of us actually think about what those words really mean, especially the sickness and in health bit? Mostly we go into marriage with youthful optimism and expecting life to be "happily ever after"?

Suffice to say that life was full of ups and downs, and while we didn't get it all right, we did the best that we could at the time.
We gained 4 beautiful children that are much loved, and now there are 11 grandchildren to watch growing up into beautiful people. 

Hope your day is a good one.
 Mine will include an evening with friends celebrating a special birthday with lots of Vitamin F.

Blessings, From Jude



Raylene Edwards said...

I lovely heart warming tribute to the part of your life that you shared with the man you knew was the one for you from a very early age. Keep close the wonderful memories, & let the troubled ones go. Loads of love ๐Ÿ’•

Annelein said...

Hi Jude... your post just touched my heart... It must by bittersweet to watch these photos and have all those memories.

What a lovely couple you two were and how blessed with your four children... and grandchildren. And one day... you will meet again...

I was just one year older when I married... so recognizable what you write about how little you knew about marriage. When I speek for myself... it is only by the grace of God we cope with all the things we went through... and it makes a marriage stronger...

Im sorry for you that you have to miss your husband for so long... but the love you both cherissed is written in the blog... maybe just more between the lines...

kiwikid said...

Beautiful photos and thoughts Jude, you married young. Seeing the photos of your family these days you have raised wonderful children.

Susan Smith said...

A touching tribute to part of your missing life. You've a lovely family and have achieved so much. I agree that we aren't taught enough about life in general & even less for the younger generation these days. Take care & hugs.

ButterZ said...

It is a special day and one filled with many memories. Your words are true. Take care and enjoy your evening.

Janice said...

You must be going through so many emotions at present. What lovely photos of your special day. You were fortunate to find your soul mate at an early age and have such wonderful children. I love the photos of your special day with the velvet suit and bridesmaids dresses. So fashionable at that time.

Karen's Korner said...

We were certainly well covered brides in those days as were the bridesmaids. You are lucky to have such lovely memories of your special man.

Jean McGee said...

An emotional time for you Judy, a lot of us married very young without really understanding what was ahead in our lives. You have a lovely family as a result and so much joy and happiness comes from your grandchildren as you watch them grow. The wedding photos are beautiful. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

Susan said...

Definitely a day worth celebrating - though with a touch of sadness. I cannot imagine myself being married at 19 - but I'm glad it worked for you - but you are so right - there is no training at all for marriage or children...we are just supposed to know!