Friday 21 October 2022

Going "over the border"!

 After a busy time of preparation, cutting and packing ready for this weekends Kaniva Quilt show, we took some time out today to sit in the pergola and relax before going 'over the border'. We did go down to the street yesterday to get some fuel in the car, and Raylene said she felt like we were 'escaping'! And today, sitting in the pergola she said it felt as though she was on holiday!! I must admit to feeling a bit lost myself as the 'to do' list has all been crossed off! Next week it will be back into action with Max.


It was pleasant outside today and the temperature reached 26deg, and I had to look for a T Shirt for the first time this season. It has been jumpers for so long, and even the fire up until the last few days.

All the preparation has been a team effort and I am so thankful and very blessed to have such great friends, doing what they love to do, and do best. I love to select the fabrics and bundle them together into kits of packs and design with EQ. Pat is the maths guru and checks my calculations and counts the pieces of the fabrics. And my fairy, aka Raylene, puts the finishing touches to all of this. She folds and packs and ties the ribbons and makes the packs all look lovely............

..............and Yvonne also loves to put the finishing touches and package things nicely. While they do that job, I can work on the next fabric selections and more cutting. of the fabric bundles packed by Raylene. 

After our 'sojourn' in the pergola at lunch time, we packed the car and drove 'over the border'. can see there was just enough room in the front for Raylene and I!

It didn't take too long to unpack it all, but trying to work out how to fit it all on the tables was the next job. This is how we left it this afternoon, and we will be doing some fine tuning in the morning.

On the way home we played being a 'tourist' and drove around the town. They have joined the many towns of our country and painted their silos.

Around the streets of Kaniva there are many sheep, all painted in different colours. I snapped a few but there were many more.

In the centre of the main street is a windmill, and alongside is the Windmill Cafe.

The patchwork group is called the Windmill Stitchers so I must investigate and find out a bit more of the significance of Windmills in Kaniva. We enjoyed our afternoon out after a busy period.
We would love to see you at the Quilt show tomorrow or Sunday. It seems a long time since I have caught up with Victorian quilting groups, and perhaps feel like we have been 'let out of school'!!

Blessings, From Jude


Maria said...

You’ve all worked very hard to get everything ready for the show..
The kits are beautifully presented. Well done ladies..
The car sure is packed to the max…..
Sheep look good and love the art on the silo….
Good luck for tomorrow.

Susan Smith said...

Wish we could join you there for at least a day, but raining here again this morning & don't relish a days travel if we get caught in floods. All the best for the weekend after alll your hard work. Take care & hugs to all. Oh PS, think I've also got photos of the sheep, but definitely not that silo. Another run of the silo trail is on our bucket list.

Susan said...

Hope the show went well for you - I love the sheep - what a clever idea.

Janice said...

How lovely to finally get to a quilt show and over the border as well. kaniva looks just like the sort of town we would love to visit, what with silo art, windmills, cafes and sheep. Northampton in WA also had a lot of painted sheep around town. They really brighten a place up. I hope all goes really well on your stall.

Raylene Edwards said...

After lots of cutting, stacking & packing, it’s been a really good day at the quilt show. Lots of people commenting on the items offered for sale, sales were good. Meeting people & chatting about a common interest made it a happy event.🌷

loulee said...

Hope all is going well. Chooky shared a picture, the stall looks great.

Chookyblue...... said...

always fun to go off on a always wonder how you fit everything in.........

Chookyblue...... said...

oh and the sheep are cool