It seems that once again it is 'awhile' since I have posted recent quilting. I have spent ages this afternoon, trying to work out what I haven't shown, and it is a looong time since I put any quilting pics on the blog. There are not that many, but most have been customs, so not quick jobs, and there has not been a lot of quilting time with Max lately.
This quilt was hard to photograph, so hope you can see the detail. This was made by Jill, a former member of our group and is Michele Hill's design "Be Mindfull". Jill had talked to me about quilting it and put her name in the queue, and had almost finished it when she passed away. A friend finished it for her and Jill's husband contacted me to do the quilting. It now has pride of place hanging on a wall in their home.

This quilt was made by Sherrel and was quilted with 2 simple block designs.
Kaye made this quilt and decided she would like custom quilting, and was very happy with the result.
This is Sherrel's winning quilt from Melbourne and I had not shown this before.
I was pleased to receive this photo from the show, as the quilting shows up really well. The lighting must have been just right for this, as my photos below struggled to show the quilting.
(It has been a difficult time to photograph the quilts lately, with the gloomy weather.- Well that's my story and I'm sticking to that!)
The next quilt was made by Cheryl, and is the Ruby quilt by Shiralee Stitches. This quilt did take 'awhile' to talk to me, but once I found a pattern and altered it to fit those unusual shapes in the cream, it all came together quite nicely.
This quilt was made by the Quilt Encounter committee and is their raffle quilt and was the one I delivered to Adelaide 2 weeks ago. Quilt Encounter this year is celebrating their 30th year and the theme is Diamonds and Pearls. I have tried to incorporate this theme in the quilting with the patterns chosen.
That's all the quilts for now and hope I am up to date. I do plan on some time with Max this week after 2 weeks of playing with fabrics. The whipcracker fairy is going home tomorrow on the train after a very busy schedule and lots being achieved.
I shall be back, sometime, with a separate post about all that and another churn dash report as well.
Blessings, From Jude
Your skills with Max are amazing, which must make your customers very happy. I have really enjoyed the time here taming those bolts of fabric into sale-able items, which will soon go off to market. Best Wishes 🌷
Two weeks has gone by quickly! I think the fairy will need a holiday now.... The quilts are just beautiful! xx
Beautiful, beautiful quilting.
They are all so beautiful. Michele Hill’s design is gorgeous. How nice that you were able to quilt it for her family. Having made one Ruby block, I take my hat off to anyone making the entire quilt. The quilting fit in beautifully.
Beautiful quilts with 'exquisite' quilting.
Gorgeous quilting as expected.......
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