Sunday 24 July 2022

What's been happening??

 Wow, it seems no time at all since my last newsfromjude update, but I see that, except for a birthday post and a Churn Dash post, there has been no blog post since June 20th!! How did this happen, and what has been happening in that 'more than a month'?? So it was back into the photo files, and the diary to see what I can tell you........

I can tell you that much time has been spent with Max, some being the donation quilts that were in the queue that I showed last post........this pile has reduced to only 2!

These all have been quilted and even have the binding on them already!!

While the usual binding fairy has been absent, I did have the help of another binding fairy.......

............and a few Zoom sessions with Chooky gave me some binding time for the others!!

Binding also happens while watching Netflix movies in the evening.

Tate's quilt has been quilted, the binding machined, but not yet finished, and also needs eyes and other embellishments too..............

...and this one is waiting for the binding fairy to come back...... which will be very soon!!

Max has completed a few custom jobs in that time too...... I will save those customer quilts for a separate post.


Our group, the Gumnut Angels, that makes quilts for others has been meeting here at my house for 15 years and a decision was made recently to purchase a cupboard for the storage of their 'stuff' at the meeting hall. This happened last week and 2 members showed their handywoman skills to assemble the cupboard...........

............and shelves will be added to the other side soon, and the remaining things moved as well. The Angels quilts will now be sewn at normal patchwork sewing days.

And then I had some vacant shelves, although I will admit that the space is filling up fast!!


I have been working on my Churn Dash blocks, and am happy to say I have finished my total of 25! A photo will come in due course. A decision of sashing etc still has to be made, but at least I am ahead of the schedule!


There have been a few medical appointments to sort out ongoing health issues and I also had lunch with a friend which was lovely.


In an effort to declutter 'stuff' in my house, I decided that I would clear out the KYB (Know Your Bible) books that have accumulated in my desk and beyond!! I don't really know why I have kept these, but the time was right to clear them out and as I had written in them, they would be of no use to anyone else. It did make me stop and think when I stacked them all up, and had a count. I realised I have been doing the studies for 32 years!! I guess they will accumulate again.


The weather has been very cold this winter, and most days have been grey and cloudy, with many morning frosts, so it was a lovely surprise to see this out the window one day.

There has been much activity with EQ8, scanning fabrics and designing quilts for the Ready, Set and Sew kits. Every available surface was taken up with fabrics in assorted piles...........

Pat came in one day and did what she does so well....... checks my calculations and counts all the pieces for the quilt...............

......and now we have this lovely pile of cut fabrics all ready for the fairy to do what she excels at............packing!! Meanwhile I shall keep designing and scanning fabrics, and working out the cutting plan.


Early in the month, I did get to spend some time in the garden...........
The chrysanthemum garden was weeded, and the daffodil bulbs in between are poking their leaves up..........which must mean that spring is coming.......

I have dug all the dahlias out of this patch......hoping to plant something easy care in this spot......

...and they will be stored in the shed............not sure what I will do with them??

The pumpkins were very late in flowering and forming fruit (?), but the frosts came and the leaves were dying off, so I have been clearing them....... you can see how they took over this daisy bush underneath..........I have picked about 8 pumpkins and stored them to finish ripening.  (I hope).

....and look what I found nestled in the top of the daisy bush!

It has been lovely to head out the back and pick some greens to cook, especially with the high prices of vegies in the supermarket.


It was rather exciting to receive a message this week from a customer to tell me that 'we' had won a blue ribbon for this quilt, in the Melbourne Quilt show which is on this week! Thankyou Sherrel for the opportunity to quilt this. It was an amazing quilt, all pieced with triangles.


I have spent the last 2 days doing a "spring" clean in my house, and I haven't finished yet. I have to confess that this is one job that has been sadly neglected recently. There is nothing like the motivation of house guests coming to spur one into action!! Hopefully I shall have more news soon.

Be back in due course...........

Blessings, From Jude


Jenny said...

Have missed your blog! Nice to hear all the news. Wonderful to hear of Sherrel’s recent successes at quilt shows. She and you, are both very talented at what you do! Will have to come visit soon for a catch up. Take care

Maxine S said...

Lovely to hear about all your progress! You’ve all done well! I hope you appreciate how hard it was for me not to nag about lack of news! VBG

Raylene Edwards said...

When your blog is not your 1st. priority, you have the time to make your next blog a doozy! I made myself a coffee & settled in the chair for lots of great ‘news from Jude’. Seeing your ‘work in progress’ not sure where I can sit to pack the kits & tie the bundles with pretty ribbon. There has been lots happening & I’m looking forward to being part of the action 👏

cityquilter grace said...

what a jam packed post! very pretty quilts and lots of other stuff too...can't wait to see that churn dash top

Chookyblue...... said...

You've done great with the donation wrote and they always look lovely.... Pulled together well........ And all that binding by yourself OMG.... Who knew you could do it...... Lol
Good to get the angel quilt supplies to a new location........
I read the fairies comment does sound like she might have to work on her feet into she can find a spot to work with all that kit preparation......... And the churn dash blocks look great......
Domestic goddess duties never end but I did a few on the weekend but heaps to go also in that deeper cleaning phase......
Huge congrats on the award that your quilted. I need to look at it up close.. ..

loulee said...

Goodness you have been busy. Your churn dash blocks are coming along nicely and I see you are preparing to restock the 'shop'. The fairy will be busy with that.
The declutter is progressing well. Don't be so sure that no one will benefit from your bible study books, why don't you ask at church before getting rid of them.

Karen's Korner said...

What a busy month - no wonder you did not get time to post. Congratulations on the award.

Susan Smith said...

My goodness you've packed a lot into that month & yes it has been cold so far this winter. Congrats to you both for the award at the Melbourne Quilt show, which I was going to attend, but couldn't face crowds of people yet with Covid on the increase. I also need to declutter desperately, but just finding motivation is hard these days. Take care & hugs.

Maria said...

You've been kept very busy this month Jude with donation quilts, binding, cleaning as well as gardening. No wonder there isn't time to post a blog.
what a gorgeous quilt that won the blue ribbon.

Janice said...

I always enjoy reading about what you have been up to. You definitely haven’t been sitting on your butt twiddling your thumbs. Lovely donation quilts and I’m sure there are some great kits ready to be packed. Your new cupboard will make things very convenient for sewing your Angel quilts. Of course your shelf filled up. They always do. I look forward to seeing your custom quilts and congrats on the award.

dq said...

You and Max have been so busy as usual!!!

I also enjoyed a peak into your outdoor world.