I better post my progress on the Churn Dash SAL before the end of June comes. I wasn't sure about participating when Chooky put out the call for anyone interested in making a churn dash quilt. I did reply that I was thinking about it, without actually committing to make one. Her reply was to think harder!!
I had purchased a range of reproduction fabrics from a shop at Missouri Star when we were in the USA back in 2018, and this has been patiently waiting for me to do something with it. So I found them in the dark depths and got them out on the table and kept thinking. Eventually I committed to join in.
After laying these out on the table, I was walking past some other bundles and came across a bag containing the leftovers from an early kit.................and went down a rabbit hole, wondering what I could do with these??

This was the original pattern, called Amelia, and it was a kit that I purchased from Craftsy long ago.
Before I knew it, I was cutting these into units to make churn dash blocks!! Because I am using leftovers, the backgrounds are not all the same, and I had to change out the centre squares as well. But I am using up a bundle of leftover fabrics that has been sitting around for possibly 8 years!
I will have to put on my thinking cap when it comes time to sash the blocks, and may have to bring in more fabric, but that's a decision for down the track. I don't think there will be enough border fabric leftover either, so may have to get creative with that too.
Here are the first month's blocks from a total of 25 to be made.
So where does that leave the original selection of fabrics? They are back in the drawer for another day. Maybe they will turn up as churn dash blocks in a Ready, Set & Sew kit for sale??
Now I am up to date with this post, I better get busy and catch up with blog reading as I am behind again. I no sooner catchup and 2 days later there are more posts and I play catchup again!
It's late Saturday afternoon and I am heading to the lounge by the fire to read blogs. My week has been occupied getting my bookwork up to date, and I can report that I have got to June 1st! Max was busy yesterday quilting a couple of QFO quilts (Quilt For Others) and adding binding to one. I spent some time at our group's Saturday sewing day this morning stitching a binding on one of those quilts. I came home at lunch time and have been feeling a bit "blah", so hope it's not leading to anything.
Be back sometime,
Blessings, From Jude
It appears that your Little Grey Cells are at work, finding fabric that’s been awaiting to see light of day for quite some time. Colours & print look interesting, & I’m sure you will find co-ordinating fabric when you get near a finish. It seems you have found a ‘crow- bar’ needle & stitched a binding while enjoying a social day of quilting 😉 👏
I like your different Churn Dash blocks as I was looking at mine and thought they looked boring with the same background. Oh well I’ll plod on with them….
Well done doing your binding.
Quite a few people had to think longer, harder or again about the churn dash sew along, that Chooky can be very persuasive. LOL Your first blocks look great.
I like seeing all the churn dash blocks being made. Rest up.
Good to see you join in the Churn Dash challenge & Joy asked if I'd be doing it, but I always feel too self conscious to join in with many things in case I get behind or stuff it up. Hope you're feeling better this morning. Take care & hugs.
I've always had a soft spot for the Churn Dash block, probably because it was one of the first blocks I learnt to do. Your quilt will be lovely and good to use up that fabric!
Ha ha Chooky can be persuasive can't she !! Your blocks look wonderful and how good to be using fabric you have had in your stash for a while.
I do love your scrappy churn dash blocks. Such nice rich colours. I’ve been catching up on bookworm too. It never seems to go away. I hope your feeling “blah” didn’t develop into anything.
I love the coloured centres - it will be great - I'm sure you will find sashing & triangles and/or borders.
Hope you OK - and hopefully not getting sick... such a waste of time..
great to see your churn dash progress!
oh I like both bundles of fabric so either way was a win for me...........the blocks look great.........so pleased you thought harder and joined us..........
hope you didn't get sick.......
They look beautiful!!! Hope you are getting sick.. rest and relax xx
LOL!!! That was meant to say I hope you AREN'T getting sick!!!!!!!!! Sigh... can't even blame predictive text, I'm on my computer!!!! xx
Hey there Jude, I love the fabrics you chose for your churn dash blocks, and the setting you designed looks just lovely. You've been super busy!
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