Apart from the birthday boy post on Friday, it seems that 2 weeks have elapsed since the last update of newsfromjude. I have been told that "someone" is checking, so it must be time. I have been right out of my 'normal' routine for more than a month now, so I have to put my thinking cap on to work out a post.
I do have some quilt photos in the files to show, but will leave those for a separate post another day. And I will tell you that this week Max has been turned on and a couple of custom quilts have departed the building.
Looking back at my last report I see that I finished off with this paragraph.............
Perhaps it's time to head to the shops and restock the fridge as I now have another visitor for a couple of weeks and I probably need to cater for my fairy? Hopefully my mind will soon feel the urge to turn on Max, or I could get used to all this socialising and relaxing?
Now I have read that I can definitely say that not a lot changed for that 2 week period, with a lot more socialising, relaxing, reading of books, some stitching time, some gardening and not much of Max.
It had been too long since I caught up with Barb (right) so out for coffee we went. Conveniently it was at the local garden centre (more details below), so I have to say that more than a few plants came home with me. A few years ago Barb and I had a day out at the local beach, (Kingston) which is an hour's drive away. Since then, and not too sure how long ago it was, we keep saying we should do it again, but always something would happen and the busyness of life kept us from going.
This time we decided to go a couple days after our afternoon out and take Raylene to the beach for a lovely lunch of fish and chips by the sea!
Fast forward to Saturday and once again we had to cancel due to a problem with Barb's back. (Insert sad face here!)
Then it was decision time as to whether Raylene and I would go on our own, and I couldn't make up my mind, because some of those plants needed to be planted, and I was torn 2 ways.
Have I ever told you that my fairy comes up with "scathingly brilliant ideas?" Some of them are really good and some, well I will leave you to decide on this one!
Her idea was to put the blue cloth on the pergola table and buy fish and chips from the local shop and pretend we were eating it at the beach!! LOL! While she drove to collect our phone order, I even found a pelican and a fish in the garden to put on the table for more effect? Now you decide about her scathingly good idea?....... I guess we sort of managed to do both ideas, as we spent the morning before lunch working in the garden.
Edit - Curious minds needed to know so I went back into my blog posts to work out when Barb and I had been to the beach last, and it was April, 2015!! Found a couple of photos for you, and all I can say, is I am glad we did NOT have the seagulls at our lunch this time!!
In the last few weeks there has been much activity outside where months of neglect had taken it's toll.
The heap of prunings in the back yard is growing..............
.....this garden bed was prepared for plantings of dahlias, which are now poking there little leaves through the ground................(hopefully for a lovely summer display)...............
................and another area with new plantings................
This week I have been working in the vegie garden, and have planted cherry tomato, zuchinni, butternut and Jap pumpkins and cucumbers. Now I need to keep them watered and weeded. (You might get the idea that I haven't got time to work if I am to keep up with the garden??)
While we are on the subject of gardens I will post a few pics from Mum's place. First up can you see the pots on the other side of the table, which are the ones that were painted when Mum was here recently. She didn't take long in setting them out on display.
I also have a few photos taken in her back pergola area...........
these are the plants I potted from the large ones in my pergola, so I expect they will end up quite tall....
This fellow certainly creates a lot interest from the customers and makes for an interesting display!
This is a pot plant stand I bought for Mum and she has quite a display in her pergola now.
Our local patchwork group held it's Annual Christmas lunch while Raylene was here. Well, she actually came down for this as she is now one of our members. One of her "scathingly brilliant ideas" was this poem she read out with a prize for one of the members. (Poetry is one her many skills!)
Here she is reading the poem.................
...........and here is Mandy with her prize!
Backgound information to what is coming next.............
Backtrack to September, 2016...................
"Someone" ?? organised a "pass the parcel" game for the weekend, and each person received a pink chocolate as they unwrapped the paper! But the "lucky lady??" who opened the last round received this???? Really??Thankfully you can't see much of my face!
Our group went on a retreat, and the lovely Faye Packham joined us for the weekend.
As we expected Faye to come bearing a "gift", Pat, who was President at the time had organised one back for her!! Here she is trying them for size.
.....................then to September, 2017..............
Faye had donated a box of goodies for the Pink Retreat fundraiser, and Michelle put in a large bid for the box, but she found a "bonus" in her box! Do you get the picture?
..............They say that good things come to those who wait, don't they?? It just so happens that our President, who is Michelle now, had a President's Prize?? for the member who had travelled the furtherest to attend the lunch! And of course Raylene lived 4 hours from Bordertown, so qualified well for this "prize"! Wondering what was in the beautifully ribboned box...............
.....and lo and behold, what is this?? What goes around, seems to come back to where it started!
We are all unsure if, or when these might come around again, but I think they better stay away for awhile, don't you?
When Raylene was here back in July, she managed to put this quilt together from blocks that Jean had donated.
There were 5 of the 16 patch blocks left after making this quilt. Jean said she had more blocks, and brought some more around and they sat here until Raylene came back this time. But the next blocks were a different size to the other 5, so we had to think up a solution, and this is it.............
She used 4 of the remaining blocks for the corners and added a small border to the smaller blocks to bring them to the same size. At the end there was one block left, and this was unpicked to make 4 corner blocks for the outer border. This will join the queue of Angels quilts waiting for the quilter!
I also managed some machine time and have finished my Citrus strings quilt, but will save that for a separate post.
Last week the virus managed to make it's presence felt in our state, after quite a long while of zero community transmission. The leaders promptly put us all into a fast shutdown of all except essential services from midnight that night. This meant that from that time you needed to stay where you were until the end of that shutdown. Of course Raylene was here and not home with her family so a quick decision was made for her to head home immediately, her car was packed and in less than an hour she was off. The shutdown was supposed to be for 6 days, with further restrictions for another 8.
(I took that as a sign to get back to work and bond with Max again.)
Thankfully the restrictions were only for 3 days, and were due to someone telling a lie, so things opened up again, although with caution. Since then there has been so much discussion about whether the authorities over reacted or not, and some reporters even asked if the govt should apologise!! While I realise it affected a lot of people economically in a big way, I am stunned at some of the comments I read. Better to be safe than sorry and you only have to look at what's happening in other countries of the world to be thankful for our leaders and the actions that have taken to keep us safe. That's my rant over for today.
With the easing of restrictions this meant that we could head out for coffee with friends again, and as Marie had a birthday last weekend, I decided that Monday was the day. We have been to Bushes and Beans for coffee and plant buying a few times now, and is a new business in our town. This time I took a few pics for the blog. There was a garden centre in this spot a few years ago, and I hope the new owners do well, as they have certainly done it up nicely.
This fellow certainly creates a lot interest from the customers and makes for an interesting display!

It was a beautiful sunny day and these chairs looked like a great spot to sit and enjoy the company, the coffee and the weather.
If you have read this far, I thank you, and hope you find this just a little funny!
Well, I think that is a marathon post, and the back definitely needs to get up and walk around. I have been sitting at the desk all day today, doing lots of admin stuff, putting in orders and answering emails, writing thankyou notes and sorting photos. I feel a bit jetlagged, and laughingly told someone it's because I went shopping in Sydney, then Melbourne, and then to Adelaide!! It was all online, of course, but sounded like a good story. Of course, I managed to do a fair bit of damage to the bank balance as well. The ordering was all things I have been meaning to do for ages, especially the threads in the colours I use often. Good to be able to tick that from my "to do" list. And now the blog is done for now, so hopefully I won't get a message that "someone" is checking!
Blessings, From Jude
That is a Scathingly Brilliant Blog. Any wonder it left you jet lagged. Thanks to Barb for the wonderful photo of your ‘Attack of the Seagulls’ which made me LOL. 😆
Thanks for filling us in on all your news. No wonder you haven’t spent much time with poor neglected Max, you’ve been quite the social butterfly. Raylene always brightens things up with her presence and I bet she had a good chuckle when she received her gift. I’m looking forward to seeing your garden display as the season progresses.
Womderful newsy post, yiur new garden centre looks lovely. Fish and chips are always enjoyed best at the beach but seagulls can be a problem! Lovely to hear Raylene is full of ideas!! Your quilt tops looks great, looking forward to seeing your garden flourish.
What a wonderful catch up post.... you sure have been busy so no wonder you haven’t had time to work with Max....
You do need to watch those pesky seagulls when eating fish and chips by the sea....
Looking forward to see your garden grow.
Your "stay-at-home" lunch loooks delicious. No presky seagulls to drop in and grab it from you. I am sure that Max will be waiting patiently for you when time allows.
It was a great read and catch up post. Well done for it. Loved the funny stories, the quilts were great, everything.
I agree, the harsh restrictions are what is needed. Keep safe..
always lots to catch up on here.........so many fun things happening.....the fish and chips looks like fun.....I hope the Fairy is impressed with the post........
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