Friday, 15 February 2019

On the Road again......

It has been another busy week and trying to get that quilt finished before i left today. I was getting myself stressed trying so finally decided to "go with the flow"  and accept it would not be done. So today I have watered the garden and packed and not turned Max on. I have worked later at night and am close to finishing. Monday will be another day. Once I made that decision I felt much better.

Yesterday it was Angels day and there was a good roll up of girls and much was acheived.

This afternoon I packed my case and drove 2 hours up the highway to my sister's house. After tea we both packed our bags into her car and we are on the road again. We are now driving 2 hours further up the highway to Pt Wakefield where we will stay the night. And then another 5 hours further to our nephew's wedding.
Be back later as this phone blogging leaves a lot to be desired. 

Blessings from Jude


Susan Smith said...

Have a lovely weekend.

Raylene Edwards said...

STRINGS SING!! What a difference a decision makes. Calm descends & you’re ready for a great weekend with your sister & family. Soak it up 💖