Monday, 25 June 2018

Still here........

Before another week gets underway I will check in and report on last week. I had a message last night from "someone" who has been checking for newsfromjude and not found any. It seems a bit hard to believe that another week has disappeared again. And there has not been many "blog worthy" things to report on. Looking back in the photo files, has not yielded much, and the diary tells me less.
I mean you don't really want to hear that the septic tank was "desludged" last week do you??

Mostly I have been sitting at the computer, working on quilt designs for the cases. Playing around in EQ, and cutting and writing instructions. It seems like thats all I am doing lately, but there is another retreat this weekend that I need to be ready for. (And another 2 of these before the year is out, so need to keep at it.) It's just as well I enjoy doing this isn't it?

 I did receive a photo from Lynda, of her quilt, with the borders added. Thankyou Lynda.

The weather has been rather cold so it's nice to stay inside with the heater. In fact after I got home from the city on Monday, I did not venture out all week. (Except to the front lawn to pick up the paper, or to the wood shed to refill the wood box).

The purchases I made at the warehouse on Monday were delivered during the week. It's always exciting to get parcels delivered, and there should be more orders coming this week. But I won't bore you with a photo of wadding!

One thing that did happen that I have photos of, is moving day of the Gumtree Quilters. We have been meeting in the same venue since 1996, and have decided that a move was necessary. We will now be sharing a venue with the local CWA group, and Saturday was moving day. The old saying "many hands make light work" proved true in this case and it did not take long to shift our "stuff" to the new premises. The first Monday in July will be our first patchwork day in the new place.

President Pat locking the door on the old.............

...............and arriving at the new..........Parking and access at this venue is much better than the old.

Sorry I forgot to take a photo after all was put away and tidied. That will come later.

I will finish off with this photo that DD1 sent to me, of her children with Grandma. I am feeling rather short these days, as the girls are growing so tall.

That's all folks. It's time to get Max oiled up and ready for a day of edge to edges. I did manage 2 quilts last week, but unfortunately one 'got out the door' before I took a photo.

Blessings, From Jude


Chookyblue...... said...

The plus quilt is lovely.....gosh if I didn't post farming stuff there would be a huge silence ..... . So we have ups and downs of quilt show and tell.......

Susan Smith said...

I'm very much on blog lag at the moment & keep saying I'm going to catch up on some days out, but get caught up on the mundane stuff lately, car club events (3 days in one week), & now getting ready for a weekend event! Take care.

Raylene Edwards said...

For someone with not much to report you “Did Good”. Delivery of fabrics must be like receiving presents, but ones you have to pay for yourself, but all for an end result. Amazing how quickly grandies grow & we shrink!! All sounds good for your move to new quilting venue 😉

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

It might be the time of year... I don't have a lot to report either.. but I will have soon!!! See you on Friday!! xx