Tuesday, 27 March 2018

What a day it's been!!

Here at Number 8 today, it has been like Rundle Street! Now you probably have to be a South Australian to know what I mean by that comment. Rundle Street, (now Rundle Mall) was the main street of the city of Adelaide, and was a busy place to be, with people coming and going up and down the street doing their shopping and conducting business. (With the advent of suburban shopping centres, the busyness has reduced to what it once was, and it has been a long time since I have shopped in the city centre).  Here today it was busy, with people coming and going all day.

I shall start at the beginning.......My day commenced about 6am, (no not 4.30 this time) and after my first coffee, some brekkie and study time, I decided I needed to go and do some weeding and pruning in the garden. (Mainly because it was "green" bin day, and I could easily fill the bin, with what needed doing outside.) I came inside about 8am, made my second coffee, and checked emails, and internet stuff. I had a pretty free day until my 4pm appointment for my vaccinations, and planned to get 3 allover quilts done. I messaged Val, whose quilt I finished last night and told her it was ready, and then I phoned the roof guy, to come and investigate the noise on my roof, and check my TV aerial. Val messaged that she would be in "later". So I loaded quilt number 1 for the day, and started Max, and proceeded to prepare quilt number 2. Going well.
Heard a car in the drive, and looked up to see Jean. We have both been (too) busy for awhile now, and she thought she would come for  a chat, and have morning tea with me. I had already had 2 cuppas, so she had one, and we chatted and caught up on each other's lives, while I kept working.
My visitors all know that they are welcome to call in, and if I need to keep working, I do, and we chat while I keep on the job. And they know that a cuppa is always available if they call, even if they get it themselves.!!
I have to insert some more background here, and tell you that often it happens, that just after one person has left, another comes soon after! I always joke to them, asking if they wait on the corner, and watch to see when a car leaves, and then drive in!!
And so it happened, that shortly after Jean left, Val arrived!!

This was Val's quilt, called Modern Roses, that she had made at the last Pick A Case Mystery Retreat. We are very pleased with how this turned out, quilted allover with a Modern pattern. The pattern could go across the quilt, or up and down, as either way works.
She stayed awhile, and we chatted, she chose some binding fabric, looked at my weekend's designing work, and offered her opinions about fabric choices, and compared grandchildren photos. Although the new arrival in Val's life this week, is a great grand daughter. Val was ready for a coffee, and made one while I made a bit more progress on that quilt.
Next was Helen, although she did not wait "on the corner" and arrived while Val was still here. Helen had been around the corner for a cuppa with a friend, and thought she would call in. A big discussion was then had by Helen and Val about the drama that the Aussie cricked team is having. Cricket is not my thing, so I kept working.Val left for home, and will be back for the weekend with a few projects to do, including the binding on her quilt.
 Next it was Erica who phoned to see if she could come and pick up a quilt, and bring another one in.  She was expected about 3, before I had to go out.This is Erica's quilt, called Blocked In and was also a Mystery retreat quilt. This was quilted with an allover numbers pattern, as the border fabric had numbers on it.

Helen departed, and about 5 minutes later Pat turned up. (Pat is my faithful checking fairy that I mentioned in the last post). They live about 40 kms out of town, and her hubby had to bring their farm ute in for repairs, so she came too, so that she could check the cases that I had finished. I had no idea she was in town, so my day was getting interesting. 
Pat set herself in the next room and started counting. Next person was the roof guy, and after a chat with him, it was decided that he would take my aerial off the roof as I did not use it for TV reception at all. And then I would not have to worry about it being loose and falling in a big wind. (I had been quite concerned about the noise on Sunday, when it was blowing a gale). This took him about an hour.
Next car to arrive was Erica, who was 2 hours earlier than expected. She collected her quilt (above) and brought another one to be quilted. We discussed this and chatted about the things that life throws at you, that she is dealing with. She sat with Pat, and they chatted while I loaded another quilt, as I had finished the first one. They made themselves a cuppa and settled down to talk about things that needed to be talked about. Erica had been planning to come for Easter retreat, but had to change her plans. 
I heard the roof guy outside talking to someone, and looked to see if he wanted to talk to me, but it was Pauline who had arrived next! Pat told her that the kettle had just boiled, so she made a cuppa and settled in too.  And then another arrival, and Helen had returned. (She had left earlier, with intentions to call Pat, who is President of our patchwork group, and heard that Pat was at my house, so came back to see her). Another cuppa was made and the 4 of them settled in for more talk.

After all of this, I decided that it was time for a cuppa too, and put the kettle on again, but was interrupted with a couple phone calls, and the roof guy bringing me the account for his work!
I did finally sit with a cuppa, and a brief chat, after Erica and Pauline had left. By this time I had one row of the quilt left to do, and it was time to leave for my appointment! I left Pat, who had to wait for hubby to come and pick her up, and Helen chatting and went to get my vaccinations and letter from the doctor for my medications. Another 2 things to cross of my list!!!!
I arrived back about an hour later, to find these 2 sitting in my lounge with another guest who had come to catch up with Helen. I finished the last row of the quilt, and sat for a chat with them.
Before long Pat's husband came to pick her up, and it was all quiet in the house by 6.30pm. What a day! But I did manage to get some quilting done, and prepped one for tomorrow. I am trying to get a few allovers done this week, as I have 2 big custom jobs I hope to do before I depart. (Do you think I should start counting the sleeps??)
I might only plan on getting 2 done tomorrow, as I have some shopping to do for the weekend, and maybe a bit of cooking as well. And I look forward to my cousin and husband staying for the night on their way to Melbourne for Easter.

Now it is time for bed, and will see what happens tomorrow.

Blessings, From Jude


Raylene Edwards said...

My goodness, the only thing I can suggest is have a turn style installed at the front door. This would regulate the flow of visitors, & then lock it when you have a FULL HOUSE. Happy Days though for good friends who love to walk through your door.🚪

Chookyblue...... said...

What a great day....... Always lovely to catch up with friends.....
What is it 18 sleeps?

Sue SA said...

What a day! I love that country people do call in for a cuppa and a chat, but you seem to have a very busy revolving door! Having said that I am super impressed that you have "trained" them well, that you need to keep working while they are there.

Michele Hill said...

I think it is a blessing to have so many wonderful and supportive friends! xx

Susan Smith said...

Gee whiz, I understand about saying it was like Rundle Street, as the saying in Sydney was like Pitt Street. You are definitely both popular & one busy lady. I'll bet you are looking forward to that trip away. Take care.

Jean McGee said...

Lucky you having friends drop in, you make people feel so welcome so it's no surprise that they call in. Life would be very empty without others who care about us. Love, Jean 😀😀

sunny said...

Your quilting is beautiful! I always struggle to decide what to quilt, but it looks like you have a real knack for it.