Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Blooming where you are planted.....

This will be a quick, short post with some photos of the one flower in my front garden. I must confess that I would not even have known it was there, until Pat was getting into her car last night to leave, and told me to look. (The weather is quite warm this week, and I am not venturing too far outside, except to water in the early morning! - Well that's my story anyhow!) 

First picture is last night,.......

and this was this morning, in the early light!

I thought I would show the whole plant, which is not very much to look at, is it? It is straggly and there has not been much obvious progress since the garden was planted earlier this year.

All I can think, is that the plant was putting it's effort into this single bloom. Maybe there is a lesson in life here, and that things are not always as they appear to be?? Something beautiful can come out of something quite plain and nondescript looking. I could go on with more words of wisdom, but will suffice to say, that I hope that I might bloom where God has planted me, and that other's might know something of his power and peace in all situations.

I will finish this post here, and get back to another post that I am working, that is taking up the challenge that ChookyBlue issued this week for National Agriculture Week.

Blessings, From Jude


Raylene Edwards said...

That flower is a beauty considering it’s scrappy foliage. And I do appreciate your, W.O.W. Words of Wisdom 😊

Susan Smith said...

What a beautiful cactus flower & wonder if it is the weird, too warm weather we are experiencing. My veg have gone bonkers, but it's way too hot for me. Take care.

Chookyblue...... said...
