Since my posting last night, I have received a text message telling me it had indeed been a famine, so while I am waiting to shift the sprinkler in the garden, I will slip in another posting to make her think it is now a feast??
Before I update you on other things, I thought I would post this photo of Miss Bridie which was sent to me this week. I think the expression on her face says it all!! Just let go, shut your eyes and swing high!
Max has been silent today, but I have kept busy with invoicing, shopping, cooking and packing up the quilts ready for a trip up the highway tomorrow. It is Valuation Day again, and as it is December, (shhh, I did not say it too loud), we have a pooled lunch after we have finished the quilts. This meant I had to put on the thinking cap, and work out what I would take for lunch, that is easy to transport, and does not need to be heated. I saw some recipes on facebook this morning, and thought they looked nice. I made 2 things, and one has made the cut, and the other not. These little fruit mince tarts even look like the original photo, and taste very nice as well. I thought about taking the short cut and using a jar of fruit mince, but I following the recipe and made my own. 😃
Now for another quilt show from newsfromjude.
First was made by Sandy, and showcases the black and white fabrics beautifully, and very simply quilted with modern curves. I use this pattern a lot as it does not take over the quilt, and gives it a lovely texture.
This quilt was started by Val's daughter many, many years ago, and never finished. So when Val went to visit her daughter recently, it was on the agenda to be finished. You can see in the second photo that Val used leftover HST blocks in a border. And I can tell you that there are heaps more HST blocks, and these are featuring in another quilt. Stay tuned. This was quilted with an allover pattern called Springthing.
The next 2 quilts were made by Betty. The first is using the Quick Curve Ruler, and called Metro Twist. This was also quilted with Springthing.
Betty made these pretty purple and green embroidered blocks on her embroidery machine and this was quilted in an allover pattern, with trim. Max stopped just before it stitched over the embroidery, and moved across to resume the pattern. I did SID on the blocks after.
June made this quilt in blues and yellows, and it was quilted allover with a pattern called Merrily.
Kath welcomed a new grandchild into the family this year, and made this fun quilt, Toytime Circus for him. This was custom quilted.
I will be back soon with another quilt show from the files.
We had our last KYB Bible Study for the year this afternoon, and also shared in afternoon tea. It was another great term, studying 5 women of the Bible. The study on Martha and Mary was very challenging for me, as I try to balance the busyness with the being. We are in recess now until the new year.
It must be time to switch the water off now, and get some sleep ready for an early start when the alarm will go off at 5am. Although it rarely goes off because I wake up before it does. Pat will be here by 6am when we leave for the city. Will be back tomorrow night sometime. And then it is another weekend again, I think?
Blessings, From Jude
Love the circus quilt, so fun!
It sounds as if you been really busy, hope you get to have a break over Christmas. Love the quilting
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