Saturday, 12 March 2016

A trailer load of kitchen

was delivered here last night.

Unpacking the contents of the boxes above.......

And stacking them in some sort of order......

in little piles according to upper and lower etc etc.........

and another section here......

And in the last photo are the some of the pieces for the corner pantry cupboard.

Today it is action stations and I am taking progress photos. I think I might need sunglasses in this new kitchen, it will be so much lighter than what I had before, although the splashback tiles will tone down the white. It seems to be a bit like making a quilt, trying to get all the pieces in the right place and sometimes they don't fit as they should! I was watching for awhile, but have made myself scarce now that the power is back on, until it is time to make lunch for my workmen. DS and DSIL are both busy out there. I am very blessed to have them do this for me, as it would not be happening if I had to pay tradesmen to do this job.

Have a good weekend, wherever you are.

Blessings, From Jude


keryn said...

That looks so exciting; I'm following your renovations with interest. Nothing new is happening round here, so it's lovely to see such big changes at your place

Susan Smith said...

Exciting and all the best for your workmen. Look forward to seeing it soon. Take care.